Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Apartment building
Istvánová, Martina ; Kozubíková, Ivana (oponent) ; Matějka, Libor (vedoucí práce)
The subject of bachelor thesis is creating a design documentation for constructing an apartment building with nearly zero energy consumption. The apartment building is designed as a building with four above-ground floors and a basement. There are 10 dwelling units within the building from which one is adapted for disabled person (accessible flat). In the basement of the building are 6 individual parking spaces, technical utilities of the building and a storage space for each dwelling unit. Roofing of the building is deigned as a green warm flat roof which can be used as relax area for residents of the apartment building. From construction side the building is designed as double-sided wall structural system made from clay blocks with cast-in-place reinforced concrete floor.
Centrum volného času
Istvánová, Martina ; Kozubíková, Ivana (oponent) ; Matějka, Libor (vedoucí práce)
Predmetom diplomovej práce je vytvorenie časti projektovej dokumentácie pre prevedenie stavby Centra voľného času s takmer nulovou spotrebou energie. Centrum voľného času je navrhnuté ako objekt s dvoma nadzemnými podlažiami a suterénom. Jedná sa o novostavbu verejnej výstavby so vzdelávacím charakterom. Stavba je určená pre vzdelávanie vo voľnočasových aktivitách deti a mládež a konanie rôznych kultúrnych udalostí ako výstavy a divadelné vystúpenia detí a mládeže. Na prvom nadzemnom podlaží sa nachádza kaviareň. V suteréne objektu sa nachádza hromadná garáž pre 10 automobilov, technické zázemie budovy a skladovacie priestory. Z konštrukčného hľadiska je objekt navrhnutý ako skeletová monolitická železobetónová konštrukcia s nosnými železobetónovými stĺpmi a prievlakmi a prevažne monolitickými železobetónovými stropnými doskami. V časti objektu sú stropy navrhnuté z montovaných prefabrikovaných železobetónových predpätých panelov.
Apartment building
Istvánová, Martina ; Kozubíková, Ivana (oponent) ; Matějka, Libor (vedoucí práce)
The subject of bachelor thesis is creating a design documentation for constructing an apartment building with nearly zero energy consumption. The apartment building is designed as a building with four above-ground floors and a basement. There are 10 dwelling units within the building from which one is adapted for disabled person (accessible flat). In the basement of the building are 6 individual parking spaces, technical utilities of the building and a storage space for each dwelling unit. Roofing of the building is deigned as a green warm flat roof which can be used as relax area for residents of the apartment building. From construction side the building is designed as double-sided wall structural system made from clay blocks with cast-in-place reinforced concrete floor.

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