The Origins and Devvelopment of the STAN Movement from 2004 to the Present.
Ineman, Vojtěch ; Stracený, Josef (advisor) ; Dvořáková, Michaela (referee)
This bachelor thesis consists of analysis of the creation and development of the political movement "Starostové a nezávislí". In the first part, to engage the reader in the beginning and introduce him to the topic, the thesis is focusing on the concept of the political movement, states its functions and defines the major differences between political party and political movement. The thesis also notices certain circumstances which are mandatory for the creation of a political movement or party and the decrease of popularity for the traditional political parties in the Czech Republic. The main part of the thesis covers the political movement itself, namely the description of its creation and its development until the year 2022, which is portraited through using the elections data. The thesis also recognizes the programme and the electorate of the movement, as well as its crises and critique received by the society. Keywords political party, political movement, STAN, elections, election program