Digital Twin: Education And Training Purpose
Hollý, Vojtech ; Husák, Michal
This paper presents a digital twin simulation model with focus on education and testing purpose.For this reason, we have adopted a chain of digitization software tools from Siemens Digital Industries: Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). Firstly, it will be introduced the simulation tools used to digital twin build. Secondly, the software interface that’s enabling communication between individual tools. Lastly the contribution concludes with a description of the education model of SCARA manipulator driven by virtual control environment.
Digital twin of the heat exchanger station
Vancl, Radim ; Mihálik, Ondrej (referee) ; Husák, Michal (advisor)
The tesis deals with identification and realization of the simulation model of the exchange station. The theoretical part describes the concept of a digital twin and the components that are used in the model of the heath exchanger station. The practical part is divided into two parts. The first part describes the collection of data from the exchange station model. The second part describes the design of the model and the simulation of the exchanger station.
Influence of the reference signals on the McRuer models
Malatinec, Martin ; Husák, Michal (referee) ; Mihálik, Ondrej (advisor)
This thesis is concerned with modelling human-machine systems using McRuer's models, specifically modelling a control loop, where a human acts as a controller. The main goal of this work was to investigate the influence of input signals on the response of the human operator. This thesis describes the functionality of the simulation scheme and the principle of measuring human responses. Finally, the measured data are processed and the observed results are evaluated.
Application of Siemens simulation tools for education
Hollý, Vojtech ; Benešl, Tomáš (referee) ; Husák, Michal (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the creation of simulation tasks emonstrating the capabilities of the provided software tools. The beginning of the thesis involves an analysis of the used tools. Subsequently, options for connecting SIMIT SP with other programs are presented to the reader, along with detailed descriptions of the procedures for creating couplings, which are then utilized in laboratory tasks. The main contribution of the bachelor thesis lies in the creation of universal blocks for simplified and standardized use in teaching. As part of task implementation, macros are created in the SIMIT SP environment, which are then utilized in the created educational tasks for easier usage.
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Gas sensors based on diamond heterostructures for air quality monitoring
Kočí, Michal ; Szabó, Ondrej ; Izsák, T. ; Sojková, M. ; Godzierz, M. ; Wróbel, P. ; Husák, M. ; Kromka, Alexander
Currently, great emphasis is placed on air quality and the presence of pollutants. Attention is therefore focused on new gas-sensing materials enabling detection even at low (up to room) temperatures with sufficient response and short reaction time. Here, we investigate the suitability of H-NCD films and their heterostructures with MoS2, GO, rGO, SH-GO, or Au NPs for gas sensing applications. Electrical properties are measured for oxidizing gas NO2, reducing gas NH3, and chemical vapor of ethanol, and at temperatures varied from room temperature to 125 °C. In contrast to the individual forms of employed materials with limited response to the exposed gases, the HNCD heterostructures revealed better sensing properties. In particular, the Au NPs/H-NCD heterostructures revealed a higher response at 125 °C in contrast to H-NCD, MoS2/H-NCD had quite good response even at room temperature and GO/H-NCD revealed high sensitivity to chemical vapor, which further improved for the SH-GO/HNCD.
3D Printer Remake
Čtvrtníček, Jan ; Husák, Michal (referee) ; Arm, Jakub (advisor)
Purpose of this thesis is revitalize an existing 3D printer. It briefly summarizes the possible technologies of 3D printers with a focus on FDM technology and elaborates in more depth the possibilities of X and Y axis movement. Above all, this thesis is dedicated to the design of a 3D printer model according to selected technologies so that it meets the required parameters. Subsequent implementation is based on the precise selection of mechanical and electrical components. It also deals with the implementation of the Klipper utility software on the OctoPrint interface. The entire printer is designed as an enclosable cell with automatic print unloading.
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An EMC Robust Precise Voltage Reference for Automotive Applications
Krolák, David ; Husák, Miroslav (referee) ; Psychalinos, Professor Costas (referee) ; Horský, Pavel (advisor)
Klíčovou součástí moderních integrovaných obvodů je napěťová reference, která funguje jako srdce analogových bloků poskytující stabilní napětí. Tato disertační práce zkoumá pokročilé metody pro snížení citlivosti nízko příkonových referencí na elektromagnetické interference (EMI) pro automobilová prostředí s širokým teplotním rozsahem. Citlivost na EMI je nežádoucí jev, který může způsobit poruchy elektronického systému. Elektromagnetické rušení se může snadno vázat do obvodu prostřednictvím kabelového svazku a desky s plošnými spoji. Práce poskytuje přehled literatury, návrhy výzkumu a výsledky, které se zaměřují na skryté efekty v napěťovém referenčním jádru, jako je vliv parazitní kapacity z kolektorů bipolárních tranzistorů do substrátu integrovaného obvodu a efekty použitého operačního zesilovače. Jsou uvedena a implementována doporučení pro zlepšení EMI odolnosti napěťové reference. Aby se prokázala platnost navrhovaných vylepšení, byly vyrobeny a změřeny testovací čipy s navrženými napěťovými referencemi v různých technologiích.
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