Reactions of the international community to human rights violations during the Argentine military dictatorship 1976-1983
Baloghová, Andrea ; Havlová, Radka (advisor) ; Holas, Petr (referee)
Argentina can be defined as a country with a long turbulent history. However, at the turn of the 70's and 80's when the country was under the rule of the military junta clearly stands out from this frame. Under the pretext of fight against subversive elements, the army, the police and the intelligence services committed severe human rights violations against citizens who did not approve of the regime or expressed their dissatisfaction with it. The final outcome of this terror were more than 30 000 disappeared people, commonly called desaparecidos, around 500 illegally adopted children and entire families living in the shadow of their sad past until today. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the extent of knowledge of specific actors of the international community (USA and Chile) about the situation in Argentina and to identify their attitude towards the information coming from a country where human rights violations happened on a daily basis. The conclusion aims to assess whether the governments of these three countries operated in some sort of a trilateral relationship, or whether these crimes were a specific internal issue of Argentina.
French cultural diplomacy
Kočvara, Roman ; Nechvátal, Martin (advisor) ; Holas, Petr (referee)
This final thesis aims to clarify the part of diplomacy, which is most visible to the public eye and that is cultural diplomacy, namely the French model. It explains its current institutional structure, financing, the objectives and the means to achieve them. Its form changes very often, because every new government tries to reform it and adapt it to current priorities. For this reason, describing current trends and institutional directionit is a part of the work. Based on analysis of historical context and current practice, I try to point out a long tradition of leadership of French culture in Europe. Also, I seek the answer to the question why the French cultural diplomacy is so successful today.
To what extent does the cooperation and rivalry between Argentina and Brasil influence the development of Mercosur?
Lakosilová, Denisa ; Dvořáková, Vladimíra (advisor) ; Holas, Petr (referee)
In my thesis, I try to find out to what extent does the cooperation and rivalry between Argentina and Brazil influence the development of Mercosur. In the first part of my thesis I am looking for the reasons that lead to the creation of Mercosur and I conclude that the cooperation between Argentina and Brazil was the key factor that lead to the creation and the development of Mercosur. In the next part of the thesis I support the claim that rivalry between the two countries had an important impact on the development of the integration of the Mercosur countries on a number of concrete examples of disputes between Argentina and Brazil. Lastly, I put the importance of the two countries in the economic context of other countries in Mercosur by analyzing the data from the World Bank and ALADI and show their weight in Mercosur.
Trends and Issues in Development Co-operation of the Czech Republic in Angola
Šebánková, Lucie ; Kochan, Jan (advisor) ; Holas, Petr (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with Development Co- operation of the Czech Republic provided to the Republic of Angola, one of the eight priority countries of the CR since 2006. The main aim of this work is description of the general trends in czech (or czechoslovak) Offical Development Assistance and its comparison with the development in Angola. It also tries to find out if the Czech development co- operation with Angola is effective and if Angola's possible exclusion of the priority countries, as a step made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is justified.
The Czechoslovak Republik and the Permanent Court of International Justice
Janáčková, Kateřina ; Trávníčková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Holas, Petr (referee)
The thesis deals with the role of Czechoslovakia in the forming and functioning of the Permanent Court of International Justice. The first part briefly reviews the history of this institution, its mechanisms, jurisdiction and the sources of law it followed. The next part of the thesis is focused on the Czechoslovak involvement in the Court's activities. Then, two cases that the Court dealt with are analysed in detail. The first one is the advisory opinion related to the delimitation of border between Czechoslovakia and Poland in the area of Javořina in 1923. The second case is the appeal from a judgement of the Hungaro/Czechoslovak Mixed Tribunal related to the property of the university in Budapest.
Economic development in Argentina during the government od J.D.Perón 1946 - 1955
Holas, Petr ; Tajovský, Ladislav (advisor) ; Szobi, Pavel (referee)
This thesis deals with the period of nearly ten years of the first governance period of Juan Domingo Perón. In this era were established bases of peronist movement, whose legacy is presented in Argentine politics till these days. This period represents a fundamental turning point in Argentine history, both from the politic and socio-economic points of view. The thesis is divided into four major chapters. The first one outlines the status of Argentine society and the economy in the context of the international situation before Perón became Argentine president. Another three chapters deal directly with the period of Perón's government. The first one deals with three fundaments of peronist economic policy of initial period, which included economic nationalism and etatism, industrialization and especially massive redistribution policy. The second chapter analyses the socio-economic aspects of peronist constitutional reform of 1949, economic development at the end of Perón's first presidency and development in the agricultural sector during his first presidency. Final chapter examines changes in economic policy during the second Perón's presidency and causes of his deposition.