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Electric-current Control of Magnetic Textures in Synthetic Antiferromagnets
Otýpka, Martin ; Holobrádek, Jakub (referee) ; Hnilica, Ján (advisor)
Aktuálním trendem v oblasti nanomagnetismu a spintroniky je nahrazování magneticky nestabilních feromagnetických materiálů v současně používaných spintronických zařízeních pro ukládání dat magneticky stabilnějšími materiály. Pro tuto studii byly vybrány syntetické antiferomagnety díky svojí laditelnosti, magnetické stabilitě a aplikovatelnosti v konceptech zařízení užívajících pohyb doménových stěn indukovaný pomocí spinového proudu. Syntetické antiferomagnety skládající se z tenké multivrstvy CoFeB/Ru/CoFeB s magnetickou anizotropií v rovině vzorku byly deponovány magnetronovým napařováním a opatřeny strukturami pomocí pozitivní UV litografie. Magnetostatické vlastnosti syntetických antiferomagnetů byly analyzovány pomocí vibrační magnetometrie a magneto-optické Kerrovy mikroskopie. Pohyb doménových stěn působením spin-orbitálního momentu pomocí pulsů spinového proudu byl měřen v mikrodrátech ze syntetických antiferomagnetů pro nízkoenergetický režim a začátek vysokoenergetického režimu pohybu doménových stěn.
Deposition of low-damping metamagnetic thin films
Hnilica, Ján ; Vaňatka, Marek (referee) ; Uhlíř, Vojtěch (advisor)
Properties of magnetic damping in the FeRh alloy are determined by stoichimetric ratio of individual components of the alloy, by the number of structural defects, and rate of epitaxy of thin films deposited on MgO(001) substrates. This thesis describes the mechanism of each contribution to magnetic damping and clarifies the influence of stoichimetric ratio, structural defects, and epitaxy on the resulting magnetic damping. FeRh thin films were deposited using magnetron sputtering and characterized via vibrating sample magnetometry. Magnetic damping was evaluated using broadband ferromagnetic resonance. The magnetic damping significantly increases with increasing amount of Rh atoms in the alloy, decreasing rate of epitaxy, and increasing number of structural defects.
Current-induced domain wall propagation in ferrimagnetic wires
Hnilica, Ján ; Hrabec, Aleš (referee) ; Uhlíř, Vojtěch (advisor)
Vývoj nových zápisových médii vyžaduje použití komplexních konceptů pro dosažení vysoké hustoty dat, rychlosti zápisu a energetické efektivity. Jeden z konceptů využívá pro datový zápis pohyb doménových stěn, který je indukován injektáží spinového proudu. Jako modelové systemy pro zkoumání pohybu doménových stěn v litograficky připravených mikrodrátech byly zvoleny syntetické ferrimagnety (FIM) skládající se z Co/Gd, připravených pomocí magnetronového naprašování. Tento materiál umožňuje změnou parametrů jednotlivých vrstev nebo teploty systému laditelnou modifikaci magnetických vlastností, jako je třeba magnetizace a koercivita, rovněž tak lze dosáhnout stavu magnetické kompenzace (MCP) a kompenzace celkového úhlového momentu (ACP), což zde bylo studováno pomocí magneto-optické Kerrovi mikroskopie (MOKE) a vibrační magnetometrie (VSM). Pohyb doménových stěn byl indukován působením spin-orbitálního momentu (SOT) pomocí nanosekundových pulzů spinového proudu. Pro efektivní a rychlý pohyb doménových stěn je zásadní nalézt vhodné magnetické parametry, čemuž je věnována pozornost v závěru této práce. Zvláštní důraz je kladen na prokázání vlivu teploty, MCP a ACP na dynamiku pohybu doménových stěn.
Time variabilty of soil hydraulic properties and their impact on soil moisture estimation
Šípek, Václav ; Vlček, Lukáš ; Tesař, Miroslav ; Zelíková, Nikol ; Hnilica, Jan
The study was focused on the temporal variability of saturated hydraulic conductivity in an experimental plot covered by spruce forest and investigated benefits of its incorporation into soil water balance model. The results showed that the higher saturated hydraulic conductivity (33.6-44.8 cm hr-1) was observed in summer period compared to lower values (13.2-22.3 cm hr-1) in the winter period. The use of seasonally variabile saturated hydraulic conductivity improved the efficiency of soil water balance model in terms of lower root mean square error between observed and simulated volumetric soil water content by 33.2 %. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient rose from 0.34 to 0.68.
Deposition of low-damping metamagnetic thin films
Hnilica, Ján ; Vaňatka, Marek (referee) ; Uhlíř, Vojtěch (advisor)
Properties of magnetic damping in the FeRh alloy are determined by stoichimetric ratio of individual components of the alloy, by the number of structural defects, and rate of epitaxy of thin films deposited on MgO(001) substrates. This thesis describes the mechanism of each contribution to magnetic damping and clarifies the influence of stoichimetric ratio, structural defects, and epitaxy on the resulting magnetic damping. FeRh thin films were deposited using magnetron sputtering and characterized via vibrating sample magnetometry. Magnetic damping was evaluated using broadband ferromagnetic resonance. The magnetic damping significantly increases with increasing amount of Rh atoms in the alloy, decreasing rate of epitaxy, and increasing number of structural defects.
Influence of land cover and altitude on soilmoisturespatio-temporal variability
Šípek, Václav ; Hnilica, Jan ; Tesař, Miroslav
An understanding of spatial and temporal variation of soil moisture is essential for studying other hydrological, biological or chemical soil processes, such as water movement, microbial activity and biogeochemical cycling (Bruckner et al., 1999, Ridolfi et al., 2003). Although the world-wide total amount of water stored in the soil profile is negligible compared to ocean and glacier storages, it represents a crucial variable concerning the water resources and agricultural management. This is valid especially in the context of ongoing shift in climate. Soil water exhibits a tremendous heterogeneity in space and time (Gomez-Plaza et al., 2000). Therefore, spatial and temporal variations of soil moisture have always been the critical issue. The spatial variability is influenced by variety of factors encompassing the topographical effect on lateral water redistribution (Williams et al., 2003), radiation (Grayson et al., 1997, Geroy et al., 2011), soil texture and structure (Famiglietti et al., 1998, Pan and Peters-Lidard, 2008), vegetation (Teuling and Troch, 2005), climate (Lawrence and Hornberger, 2007), precipitation pattern (Keim et al., 2005) and antecedent soil moisture (Rosenbaum et al., 2012). The land use influence on the soil moisture content variation is of complex a character covering several above mentioned factors. However, it is determined namely by the different vegetation cover, which results in different rates of interception and transpiration. It also strongly influences the soil hydraulic properties, i.e. hydraulic conductivity and water retention characteristics (Zhou et al, 2008). Hence, the reaction of an area to a rainfall and also the temporal variability of the soil moisture content might be influenced by the present land cover. Nevertheless, the studies comparing the influence of several land covers in the longer periods are missing. This knowledge would be valuable especially in the context of extreme climatic events that are present nowadays. In central Europe, the period of major floods (1997, 2002, 2013) was followed by serious dry spells (2003, 2011–2012, 2015) (Trnka et al., 2015). This observed hydrological extremity raised the questions of sustainable water management. One of the possible management practices in consideration is represented by the land cover changes intended to hold more water in the landscape and simultaneously to attenuate the rainfall-runoff response. Moreover, previous studies have investigated that spatial and temporal variation of soil water under a certain land use type, and drawing significant research attention is lacking on the differences of dynamics of soil water conditions under different land use types. Thus, it is necessary to understand the comparisons of the dynamics of soil water conditions under different land use types (Niu et al., 2015) The main aim of the presented study is therefore to understand the soil moisture variability in the vegetation season under four different land covers (coniferous/deciduous forest, meadow, grassland). This analysis is conducted in five consecutive years, encompassing both dry and wet periods. The influence of altitude is also studied in the coniferous forest.
Statistical correction of daily precipitation sums from climate models
Hnilica, Jan ; Chára, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Jan, Jan (referee)
Climate change prediction and evaluation of its impact currently represent one of the key challenges for the science community. Regional climate models (RCM) have been recently established as a main source of the data for climate change assessment studies. Nevertheless, RCM outputs suffer from systematic errors caused primarily by their low spatial resolution and cannot be used directly without any form of bias correction.
The bias correction is an actual topic in climatology and several correction methods were developed, ranging from the simple additive method to more advanced approaches (e.g. quantile mapping). However, despite this progress, the bias correction methods suffer from several difficulties, which bring another source of uncertainty into the climate change impact assessment studies.
This thesis is focused on two problematic points connected with the bias correction of daily precipitation data. The first one is a non-stationarity between calibration and application periods. New correction methods are developed, showing an increased resistance to non-stationary conditions. The second problem is related to the correction of a dependence (i.e. correlation and covariance) structure of multivariate precipitation data. A new procedure is proposed, correcting the complete dependence structure of the model data. All newly introduced methods are validated using measured and RCM-simulated data; the validation demonstrates their suitable applicability.
Kernel density estimates used in stochastic precipitation generator
Hnilica, Jan ; Puš, V.
The kernel density estimates were tested to be suitable to describe the probability distribution of daily precipitation sums. For this purpose, a stochastic precipitation generator using the kernel density estimates was constructed and it was compared with the LARS-WG generator. The data from meteorological stations from the Cidlina river basin were used to evaluate the performances of the generators. It was found that the kernel density estimates capture the probability density better than histograms used in LARS-WG.
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