National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Proposal of Database for Pivní burza pub
Heneš, Radek ; Hrušková, Lenka (referee) ; Kříž, Jiří (advisor)
Restaurant and pub Pivní burza is first of its kind on Czech market. The Pub operates on the principle of exchange (organized market), where the price of beer is floating and with increasing demand for one product, price of the other products is changing in real time. Customer can monitor the price developments and realize an order on the touch panel, which is located on the restaurant tables. Thesis is focused on the analysis of the current status of the restaurant, own solution design and suggestions for future improvements.
Proposal of Database for Pivní burza pub
Heneš, Radek ; Hrušková, Lenka (referee) ; Kříž, Jiří (advisor)
Restaurant and pub Pivní burza is first of its kind on Czech market. The Pub operates on the principle of exchange (organized market), where the price of beer is floating and with increasing demand for one product, price of the other products is changing in real time. Customer can monitor the price developments and realize an order on the touch panel, which is located on the restaurant tables. Thesis is focused on the analysis of the current status of the restaurant, own solution design and suggestions for future improvements.

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