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Enlightenment on the Apennine Peninsula Shown on the Example of Cesare Beccaria and Antonio Genovesi
Argalášová, Marta ; Helan, Pavel (advisor) ; Čaplyginová, Olga (referee)
The subject of this bachelor thesis is the Enlightenment on the Apennine Peninsula. Its introductory part focuses on the characteristics of Enlightenment as a movement, it tracks the Enlightenment's beginnings, its development and its essential figures. After this part follows a description of the situation in the eighteenth century and the enlightened reforms that took place in the area of the Apennine Peninsula. In the two subsequent parts the thesis focuses on two particular personages of the Italian Englightenment, Cesare Beccaria and Antonio Genovesi, on their lives, their philosophy and thein main works, and also on the influence that they had on the future generation of reformers.
Niccoló Machiavelli and his thought process
Cvrčková, Jana ; Helan, Pavel (advisor) ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee)
Diploma thesis 'Niccolò Machiavelli and His Thinking' deals with the issue of the political philosophy of the Italian Renaissance politician and thinker Niccolò Machiavelli, its formation and legacy related to another important Florence man Dante Alighieri. The thesis includes a short overview of the history of Florence, mainly the respective period, then concentrates on the personality of Niccolò Machiavelli, his life story and political opinions extracted from selected book titles. The thesis also analyses Dante Alighieri in the context of his life and philosophy of his political work De Monarchia, comparing the philosophic and political views of both personalities with accent on the thoughts of Niccolò Machiavelli. The aim of this thesis is a sober view of Machiavelli's much discussed political views and their comparison with a book by Dante Alighieri.
The Jews during the italian fascism and the personality of Primo Levi
Špitálská, Jana ; Helan, Pavel (advisor) ; Vopatrný, Gorazd Josef (referee)
The topic of this diploma thesis is "The italian Jews during the fascism and the personality of Primo Levi". The paper is structured into three main chapters. The first chapter introduces the topic, definition and structure of the thesis, concentrates on the period and the situation in Italy before the "cooperation" with Adolf Hitler. The second chapter describes the period in Italy and in Europe at the beginning of the century. The final chapter concludes the frame of this diploma thesis and the main part is dedicated to the personality of Primo Levi and to his experience. In this thesis I aimed to articulate three issues which I was deeply touched by: the affairs related to World War II. taking place on the Italian territory, the Jewish holocaust of those times and a view of a survivor who might have survived just to be able to provide a testimony of the horror he went through.
Enlightenment on the Apennine Peninsula Shown on the Example of Cesare Beccaria and Antonio Genovesi
Argalášová, Marta ; Helan, Pavel (advisor) ; Čaplyginová, Olga (referee)
The subject of this bachelor thesis is the Enlightenment on the Apennine Peninsula. Its introductory part focuses on the characteristics of Enlightenment as a movement, it tracks the Enlightenment's beginnings, its development and its essential figures. After this part follows a description of the situation in the eighteenth century and the enlightened reforms that took place in the area of the Apennine Peninsula. In the two subsequent parts the thesis focuses on two particular personages of the Italian Englightenment, Cesare Beccaria and Antonio Genovesi, on their lives, their philosophy and thein main works, and also on the influence that they had on the future generation of reformers.
The Luxemburgs and the Apennine Peninsula
Urban, Josef ; Helan, Pavel (advisor) ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee)
Ve své diplomové práci se jsem se pokusil popsat politickou situaci v Itálii v první třetině 14. století se zaměřením na působení významných osobností Lucemburského rodu v této oblasti. Pro zpracování jsem zvolil léta 1308-1313, 1330-1333 a rok 1337. Zaměřil jsem se hlavně na osobu Jindřicha IV. Lucemburského, jeho nástup k moci, volbu říšským králem a následnou cestu za císařskou korunou. V práci rozebírám reformy, které Jindřich použil při správě Italských měst během cesty na Řím. Dále se zaměřuji na odezvu, kterou jeho působení vyvolávalo u příslušníků dvou hlavních politických směrů v Itálii, tedy u guelfů a ghibelinů, i u francouzského krále Filipa IV. a u papeže Klimenta V. pobývajícího tou dobou v Avignonu. Dále se zaobírám pokusem českého krále Jana Lucemburského a jeho syna Karla o založení Lucemburské signorie na území Lombardie, Toskánska a Emilia Romagna a jejich neúspěšné snahy o udržení tohoto území pod Lucemburskou nadvládou. A Karlovo krátkodobým pokusem o získání území v severní Itálii v roce 1337. Opět se věnuji vlivu jejich působení na politiku měst zmíněných oblastí. Také se okrajově zaměřuji na vliv Jindřicha Lucemburského na spisovatele Danta Alighieriho a jeho dílo "De Monarchia" s Jindřichovo tažením do Říma jako předlohou pro vznik tohoto díla.
Niccoló Machiavelli and his thought process
Cvrčková, Jana ; Helan, Pavel (advisor) ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee)
Diploma thesis 'Niccolò Machiavelli and His Thinking' deals with the issue of the political philosophy of the Italian Renaissance politician and thinker Niccolò Machiavelli, its formation and legacy related to another important Florence man Dante Alighieri. The thesis includes a short overview of the history of Florence, mainly the respective period, then concentrates on the personality of Niccolò Machiavelli, his life story and political opinions extracted from selected book titles. The thesis also analyses Dante Alighieri in the context of his life and philosophy of his political work De Monarchia, comparing the philosophic and political views of both personalities with accent on the thoughts of Niccolò Machiavelli. The aim of this thesis is a sober view of Machiavelli's much discussed political views and their comparison with a book by Dante Alighieri.
The Jews during the italian fascism and the personality of Primo Levi
Špitálská, Jana ; Helan, Pavel (advisor) ; Vopatrný, Gorazd Josef (referee)
The topic of this diploma thesis is "The italian Jews during the fascism and the personality of Primo Levi". The paper is structured into three main chapters. The first chapter introduces the topic, definition and structure of the thesis, concentrates on the period and the situation in Italy before the "cooperation" with Adolf Hitler. The second chapter describes the period in Italy and in Europe at the beginning of the century. The final chapter concludes the frame of this diploma thesis and the main part is dedicated to the personality of Primo Levi and to his experience. In this thesis I aimed to articulate three issues which I was deeply touched by: the affairs related to World War II. taking place on the Italian territory, the Jewish holocaust of those times and a view of a survivor who might have survived just to be able to provide a testimony of the horror he went through.

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