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Možnosti hodnocení diverzity polních plevelů
Havlíčková, Kateřina
This thesis focuses on the diversity of weed vegetation and possibilities of its evaluati-on. The survey was carried out on fields of Mendel Univesity in Žabčice. Species di-versity was determined in the growth of opium poppy in 2013 and spring barley in 2014. Index of diversity were calculated according to the collected data. Spatial preference of individual weed species was designed by statistical analysis DCA (Detrended Corre-spondence Analysis) and RDA (Redundancy Analysis), processed on the basis of obtai-ned results. A total amount of 27 species was identified in opium poppy and 24 weed species were determined in spring barley. However, the vegetation consisted mostly by individuals of dominant species Echinochloa crus-galli, Chemopodium album and Lamium amplexicaule, in both monitored areas. It was found, that higher species richness are monitored on the edges of the fields, than their midpoints. Diversity of opium poppy was 0.17 and 0.36 of spring barely on experimental fields.
Jakost privátních značek masných výrobků z tržní sítě ČR
Havlíčková, Kateřina
I have focused on the quality of meat products in this diploma thesis, which are offered under the private labels in store chains. The thesis is divided into a literary and a practical part. Firstly, the general quality of meat products is dealt within the literary part. The basic and auxiliary raw materials, which are usually used for meat product production, are described in more details in the next chapter. A large part of the literature review is focused on the individual technological meat production operations and the meat prod-uct defects that may arise during their production. The importance of meat products in a human diet and the general conditions for their sensory evaluation are described in the conclusion of this document. The practical part consists of sensory evaluation and instrumental analysis of ten batches of four different products (Vienna sausages, small sausages, Gothaj sausage, Vysočina sausage), which were purchased under the private labels in four different store chains. The following was judged during the sensory evaluation: overall appearance, appearance after slicing, colour, consistency, smell and taste. The instrumental analysis included the quantification of dry matter, NaCl, content of fat and also water activity for Vysočina sausage.
Zhodnocení nejúspěšnějších plemen pony v drezurních soutěžích v Evropě
Havlíčková, Kristina
This bachelor thesis aims to evaluate the most successful pony breeds in dressage sport in Europe. The first part of the thesis contains an overview of the most significant pony breeds in Europe (bred for performance), basic characteristics of each breed, breeding aims, breed standards and brief information about the origin of these breeds. In the second part of the thesis, the pony breeds are ranked by their success in dressage sport in Europe. The ranking of the breeds is based on FEI pony dressage ranking results of five years (2015– 2019). List of participating ponies was completed with their breeds, and the points they earned in FEI pony dressage ranking were summarized. Representation, frequency of their appearance and success of these pony breeds were evaluated through the reference period. These conclusions were compared to the recent occurrence of pony breeds in pony dressage ranking in the Czech Republic.
Změna minimální mzdy a její vliv na trh práce
Havlíčková, Kateřina
This thesis evaluates the effect of minimum wage change that occurred on Czech labour market in August 2013. The study was conducted using labour market indexes: unemployment rate, average gross wage and the number of job vacancies. The effect of minimum wage change is evaluated using time series analysis and Difference-in-Differences method. The hypothesis on unemployment growth due to minimum wage rise was confirmed for young workers cohort and rejected for low-educated workers. The hypothesis on job vacancies decrease due to minimum wage rise was confirmed as well; however the development of average gross wage appears to be unaffected.
Design of Handheld Pulse Oximeter
Havlíčková, Klára ; Sládek, Josef (referee) ; Zdvihalová, Markéta (advisor)
My bachelor's thesis is focused on design of a handheld pulse oximeter. Its main goal is to improve a shape, ergonomics and visual solution of nowadays handheld pulse oximeters and to innovate this part of technology, ergonomics, economics and the usage of this device on the field of outpatient and inpatient care.
Design of Microwave Diathermy Therapeutic Machine
Havlíčková, Klára ; Siebert, Petr (referee) ; Rubínová, Dana (advisor)
My thesis is focused on design of a microwave diathermy therapeutic machine. Its main goal is to improve a shape, technical solution, ergonomics and visual aspects of nowadays microwave diathermy machines and to innovate this part of technology, ergonomics, economics and the usage of this device on the field of physiotherapeutical care.
Analysis of ponies bred for sports performance based on results in international dressage competitions
Havlíčková, Kristina
This thesis aimed to evaluate the performance of sports ponies at the international dressage level based on the following factors: sports season, age, sex and breed. The basis of the database was the dressage pony ranking of the International Equestrian Federation from 2014 to 2020. Two analyses were performed, one for the whole population and the second for the top 10% of ponies of each season. Statistically significant impact was found in the sports season (p ≤ 0.05) and high statistical significance in age and breed (p ≤ 0.01). Sex was the only factor with no statistical significance (p > 0.05). Ponies achieved the best average results in the year 2019 (983.72 points). On average, the best age categories were 9-12 (968.91 points) and 13-16 (968.90 points). Stallions were the best-performing sex (975.28 points). Ponies of Dutch Riding Horse and Pony Studbook (1 040.70 points) and Danish Sports Pony (1 039.50 points) achieved the best point results. Only the sports season and breed in the top 10% of ponies showed statistical significance (p ≤ 0.05). Ponies earned the highest number of points on average in the year 2020 (1 873.80 points). The best performance was given by ponies aged 17 and higher (1 899.00 points), although this category contained only two specimens. Stallions earned the highest number of performance points (1 842.70 points), and the best breed was the German Riding Pony (1 828.20 points).
Influence of stress on women during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium
The subject of interest of this bachelor thesis is the impact of stress factors to women's health during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium. The first aim of this bachelor thesis was to find out what is the most common stress cause for women during upmentioned periods. The second aim was to explore the women's ability to cope with stress. This thesis is divided into two parts - teoretical and practical. The theoretical part provides information about pregnancy characteristics (its duration, symptoms, signs and changes in the female body and organs during pregnancy). In subchapters related to pregnancy is the attention paid to prenatal diagnosis and stress factors during graviditas. The theoretical part also includes information about childbirth and its detailed periods. The subchapters considering childbirth provide summary of preparations for a delivery and the stress sources during the act itselves. The theoretical part also deals with the information about puerperium. This part is devided into subchapters which také into account breastfeeding difficulties, newborn care, stress factors affecting women in the puerperium, and psychological changes of women during puerperium. The final passage of the theoretical chapter discusses the definition of stress. The description of midwife role is possible to be found in each subchapter. The practical part of the bachelor's thesis founds its basis on a qualitative research in the form of individual semi-structured interviews. The survey was held from February to April 2021 and the group of analysed specimens consisted of 11 women not earlier than two months after they gave birth. To make the research anonymous the women were marked Ž1 - Ž11. All the interviews were held at the women's household with their approval. The research was going on in a covid-19 epidemic era, therefore all the restrictions such as face mask wearing and two meter distancing must have been kept during the visits. All the dialogues have been recorded, literally rewritten and analysed with women's assent. All the reached data have been treated by open coding, "pencil and paper" method (Švaříček et al., 2014). As the main categories for purpose of data evaluation have been marked: Pregnancy stress, birth stress, post-partum stress and their appropriate subcategories. The topics mentioned in "Pregnancy stress" are Covid-19 pandemic, partner's support, maternity clinic attendance and antenatal course. Aspects affecting the birth itselves are maternity hospital staff behaviour and partner's presence in the delivery room. The last category includes themes of breastfeeding and newborn care. On basis of the first, previously discussed, goal of this bachelor thesis was established the question which considers what is the most common stress cause during pregnancy, birth and six weeks post-partum. The result of this research indicates, that the women are most often stressed out because of the current coronavirus pandemic situation and prenatal diagnosis. The women are also worried about miscarriage or preterm birth. As the reasons of stress during the delivery were indicated hospital staff bad behaviour or a fear of being lonely and experiencing the feelings without partners. The investigation on the last category displays that over the post-partum period the women are worried about breastfeeding difficulties and insufficient childcare skills.The second question of the research followed up in what ways the stress impacts the women. From the survey it is possible to ascertain that all the involved women, except Ž1 were not affected by the stress in a long-term run. The specimen "Ž1" stated that her postnatal feelings and stresses had made her to shut herself off from her surroundings.The results of this bachelor thesis could be possibly used for scholar seminar purposes as a source of information for midwives. The other possible usage for this document would be a provision of needed information for pregnant women.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 35 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
1 HAVLÍČKOVÁ, Karolína
2 HAVLÍČKOVÁ, Kristýna
2 Havlíčková, Kamila
19 Havlíčková, Kateřina
13 Havlíčková, Klára
2 Havlíčková, Kristina
2 Havlíčková, Kristýna
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