National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Aplication of modern temperature sensors with microprocessor AVR
Hána, Jan ; Fedra, Zbyněk (referee) ; Frýza, Tomáš (advisor)
This thermometer is based on integrated temperature senzor SMT 160–30, it is destined for temperature measurement in household or in industrial application where we do not need to know the precision temperature. Measured data are displayed on LCD and currently transmitted with RS232 up to PC, where it can be computerized.
Educational laboratory kit for microprocessor technique
Hána, Jan ; Chmelař, Milan (referee) ; Kolouch, Jaromír (advisor)
Thesis deals with support of educational courses focused to single chip microprocessors in secondary schools. It includes a text introducing students to the use of single microprocessor and provides examples to their applications.
Aplication of modern temperature sensors with microprocessor AVR
Hána, Jan ; Fedra, Zbyněk (referee) ; Frýza, Tomáš (advisor)
This thermometer is based on integrated temperature senzor SMT 160–30, it is destined for temperature measurement in household or in industrial application where we do not need to know the precision temperature. Measured data are displayed on LCD and currently transmitted with RS232 up to PC, where it can be computerized.
Educational laboratory kit for microprocessor technique
Hána, Jan ; Chmelař, Milan (referee) ; Kolouch, Jaromír (advisor)
Thesis deals with support of educational courses focused to single chip microprocessors in secondary schools. It includes a text introducing students to the use of single microprocessor and provides examples to their applications.
The impact of foreign direct investment on the economic level of Olomouc Region
Mathon, Ivo ; Miksová, Blanka (advisor) ; Hana, Jan (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to find out the impact of foreign direct investment on the economic level of Olomouc Region. The impact is examined on the basis of the development of selected economic indicators. The first part of this thesis deals with the theoretical definition of selected economic indicators. These indicators include the traditional macroeconomic indicators and also those which describe the standard of living in Olomouc Region. Next the thesis describes the systematization of foreign direct investment and their theoretical definition. The second part of this thesis describes the examined region. Then an analysis of selected economic indicators and foreign direct investment is performed. The final chapter specifies the impact of foreign direct investment on the economic level of Olomouc Region.
Industrial Area "Nové Pole" in Karvina and it's fate
Sommer, Petr ; Piecha, Marian (advisor) ; Hana, Jan (referee)
The topic of the this thesis is the analysis of further action of the companies located in Industrial zone "Karviná -- Nové Pole". There is made an analysis using the criteria of individual companies operating in industrial zone "Nové Pole" which are threatened by expansion of coal mining in the case of breaking the existing limits. The introductory part deals with basic terminology related to industrial zones, different types of zones and legislation associated with their construction. The theoretical part also focuses on support the development of industrial zones and the systém of investment incentives on the Moravian-Silesian Region. Practical part is about the evaluation of current situation of particular companies and the result is that companies will be more or less interested in staying in industrial zone "Nové Pole".
Foreign Direct Investment in Liberec region
Žirovnický, Ivo ; Miksová, Blanka (advisor) ; Hana, Jan (referee)
This thesis deals with the issue of FDI in the territorial region - Liberec Region. The aim is to detect and identify the benefits and disadvantages of foreign investment in the region in terms of the three pillars of sustainable development (economic, social and environmental aspects). Thematically, the work is divided into two main parts: a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with general information about the region, systematizing foreign direct investment and the definition of the three pillars of sustainable development. The practical part analyzes the inflow of foreign direct investment in a particular region.
Issue of brownfields - case study of the former school in Heřmanice
Richtrová, Markéta ; Hana, Jan (advisor) ; Miksová, Blanka (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with a brownfield site cases. The work is divided into two parts. The theoretical part provides different views on the definition of brownfields. The brownfield typology is also heterogeneous like the definition of the brownfield. The theoretical part is also focused on several approaches, which are able to solve the examined issue and funding options of the regeneration. The practical part is dedicated to description of brownfields in Moravskoslezský region which is the most affected area in Czech Republic. The central part of the practical part comes with a concrete solution to the complex of the former school in Heřmanice u Polomi in the Moravskoslezský region. The thesis works with the brownfield reconstruction of the rest home. The aim of this work is to define appropriate solution of brownfield project selected in Moravskoslezský region.
French and Belgian Investment in Regions of the Czech Republic
Hornychová, Taťána ; Damborský, Milan (advisor) ; Hana, Jan (referee)
This diploma thesis focuses on foreign direct investment (FDI) coming to different regions of the Czech Republic. This investment play a crucial role in socioeconomic development of the country and therefore it is an important part of regional development policies. Thesis concentrates on French and Belgian investors and its aim is to determine the key factors that influence the localization of FDI coming from France and Belgium to regional economies of the Czech Republic. In the first chapter theoretical data concerning this topic is introduced, followed by closer description of development of FDI in the Czech Republic in general. At this point the investment coming from France and Belgium that is supported by the agency CzechInvest is stressed. The final part is dedicated to different regions of the country. Based on analytic, cartographic and statistical methods, localization factors with a great influence on French and Belgian investors when choosing the area to invest in are determined.
Strategic Industrial Zone Holešov
Pončíková, Petra ; Piecha, Marian (advisor) ; Hana, Jan (referee)
This thesis comprises the analysis of the issue concerning industrial parks in the Czech Republic with a major focus on the Strategic industrial zone Holešov. There is a description of establishment and support of industrial zones in the Czech Republic in the introductory part, afterwards being followed by the specification of the strategic industrial zones. Further is mentioned the basic socioeconomic characterization of the Zlín district. The practical part is then devoted directly to the Strategic industrial zone Holešov -- to the reasons which led to its establishment, to the particular stages of its development and subsequently to the possible outcomes it may have when being fully or minimally occupied. Parts of this work are also the basic over viewing information about the direct foreign investments and the investment incentives.

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1 HÁNA, Jiří
1 HÁNA, Jonatan
1 Hána, J.
4 Hána, Jan
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