National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Mechanisms of the Creative Process
Hadušovská, Michala ; HAVELKA, Jiří (advisor) ; TOMÁNEK, Karel František (referee)
In the thesis entitled Mechanisms of Creative Process, the author examines and reflects her own creation and creative process. The purpose of this study is to discover the internal order and logic of the creative process, respectively to discover the mechanisms and tools with which it works. Knowledge and awareness of the used techniques should serve to make the tools know better, consciously grasp and, above all, develop. The most important aim of the thesis was to try to follow the phases and transformations of the creative process from the creative idea to the realization of the performance. For better orientation, the process of creation and the text of the thesis are divided into four phases and two wider circuits. The first circuit deals with the period of preparation, the second part is the reflection of its practical part, the theatrical rehearsals. Tracking her own path and distinctive way and approach to creation from a distance, has given the author a clearer picture of how the mechanisms and tools work inside the process. Their knowledge and development gives them the ability to transform the thoughts, ideas and visions into reality more consciously and purposefully.
Leonid Jengibarov - Clown of past and present
Hadušovská, Michala ; Petišková, Ladislava (advisor) ; Capko, Štefan (referee)
This graduation theses deal with life and mainly activity clown L.G.Jengibarov. This theses try opinion into life artist , which came to ikon in his branch and inspiration for a many generation of artist conversant how slapstick, so pantomime. Features his own thoughts, and so discover way to thinking this genius. This theses takes the inspiration in book of Russian writer Marie Romanushko, who afford very subjectivity and intimate confession about Leonid Jengibarov.

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