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Porovnání jednotlivých způsobů identifikace hospodářských zvířat, využití v provozu a stupeň spolehlivosti
HOLUB, Vítězslav
This bachelor's thesis focuses on comparing different methods of identifying farm animals, including ear tags, microchips, boluses, and biometric systems, and analy-zing their effectiveness, reliability, and utilization in various operational environ-ments. The thesis addresses both the technical aspects of each method and the costs associated with their implementation and operation. The results show that each me-thod has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on specific ope-rational needs and financial possibilities. The thesis also discusses the possibilities for future development and utilization of these technologies in agriculture.

See also: similar author names
3 Holub, Viliam
4 Holub, Vojtěch
3 Holub, Vít
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