National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Proposal of new locality electrification
Foltýn, Petr ; Hájek, Ladislav (referee) ; Topolánek, David (advisor)
This master’s thesis is concerned with the proposal of new locality electrification. There are 59 detached houses. The thesis is divided into theoretical part and computational part. In the theoretical part, there are all documents necessary for the successful proposal of the electrification. In the computational part is drafted distribution substation, high voltage power cable, proposal of low voltage power cables and protection. Each part is made for two versions (for the degree of electrification A and for the degree of electrification C) and recorded in cadastral maps. The proposal of distribution substation and high voltage power cable is made by traditional method - all calculations are processed by the designer. Low-voltage power cables and protection are implemented in a computer program Sichr (version 11.01) OEZ company.
Proposal of new locality electrification
Foltýn, Petr ; Hájek, Ladislav (referee) ; Topolánek, David (advisor)
This master’s thesis is concerned with the proposal of new locality electrification. There are 59 detached houses. The thesis is divided into theoretical part and computational part. In the theoretical part, there are all documents necessary for the successful proposal of the electrification. In the computational part is drafted distribution substation, high voltage power cable, proposal of low voltage power cables and protection. Each part is made for two versions (for the degree of electrification A and for the degree of electrification C) and recorded in cadastral maps. The proposal of distribution substation and high voltage power cable is made by traditional method - all calculations are processed by the designer. Low-voltage power cables and protection are implemented in a computer program Sichr (version 11.01) OEZ company.
The share of winegrowing in the development of Znojmo district
Matušů, Magdalena ; Kadeřábková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Hájek, Ladislav (referee)
This thesis describe the current situation of winegrowing in the territory of Znojmo, while also describe the evolution and assess the significance of the influence on the development of winemaking district - Znojmo, factors contributing to the regional development of winegrowing, forms of support for this sector, description of the problems in the winegrowing and what are the possibilities for further development of the region in connection with winegrowing. The theoretical part contains only shortly the basic theory of regional development, the thesis continues with a brief description Znojmo district, geographical and economic-social conditions of the territory, then briefly the evolution of winegrowing in the Czech Republic and in detail the evolution of winegrowing in the district of Znojmo. Furthermore author focused on legal aspects of winegrowing in the Czech Republic and the specific conditions of aid after the entry into the EU. Analytical part is focused on the questionnaire survey among inhabitants in the district of Znojmo and the elaboration of SWOT analysis. On the basis of it is then determined the rate of significance for the winegrowing district Znojmo and determined influential factors of development and indicated further opportunities for the development of the region in connection with winegrowing.

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4 Hájek, Libor
2 Hájek, Luděk
10 Hájek, Lukáš
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