National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Company's product rating from the customer's perspective
GÁLL, Igor
This thesis is about judging the value of a product from the perspective of a customer. The objective of this thesis was to determine if a firm judges the value of its product from the perspective of a customer and based on the acquired information propose potential changes. The theoretical part consists of demarcation of basic concepts and the methods used by a firm to determine the value of a product. The first part of the objective was examined in the practical part. That is to determine if a firm values its product from the view of a customer. The firm had shortcomings in judging the value of a product from the perspective of a customer. Therefore, as is mentioned in the second part of the objective, there are described methods in this thesis with examples as to how to improve the current situation.
Evaluation of business efficiency
GÁLL, Igor
Aim of this thesis was to evaluate efficiency of business using analyzes. In the theoretical part is described developement and measurement options of business efficiency ranking from traditional to modern options. In the practical part most of these analyzes and models were used on model of specific business. Evaluating efficiency of business started with financial analysis. For next evaluation was used index IN95 and model of Mr. Christiana Binkerta. Main focus was drawn to results of Economic Value Added (EVA) calculated by modular model according to the methodology MPO. Finally business was compared with results using indrustry benchmarking diagnostic of financial indicators INFA.

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