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The valorization of organizing procedure for unites voluntary firemen in municipalities in category JPO II and JPO III for dictrict Jindřichův Hradec. The proposal for its modification.
FUČÍK, Martin
The topic of this thesis is evaluation of management of local voluntary fire brigade units of category JPO II and JPO III in the district of Jindřichův Hradec and suggestions to its amendment. The contents of the thesis is permanent organizational, technical and professional competence which is the essential prerequisite for their setting to rescue and liquidation jobs at emergency events and in critical situations. The goal of the thesis was to judge the management further to the professional training by description of the way of achieving professional competence and realizing professional preparation of local fire brigade members, and to try to find out possible imperfection or unbalanced state between requirements and factual situations. The technique of questionnaires and auricular discussions were used to explore if professional training is carried out regularly and with proper coverage and quality set for the category of fire brigade units of JPO II and JPO III. Through the achieved results of the research the level of management of local voluntary fire brigade units of the category JPO II and JPO III in the district of Jindřichův Hradec has been ascertained. The results of the questionnaire research have shown that the organizational, technical and professional competence is below standard. This allegation can illustrated by the combination of replies in the questionnaires. The research sample was formed by 16 local units of voluntary firemen with 229 active members. In order to improve the situation some procedures have been suggested to eliminate the imperfection. Primarily it is necessary to focus to thorough following the laws, regulations and rulings which are concered with the given points at issue, including checking of their fulfilment. If it is impossible to achieve improvement of duality of organizational, technical and professional competence then it is advisable to talk about the way how to change the relevant legislation followed by optimization of the required prerequisite for ensuring the units preparedness. The members of the local voluntary fire brigade units are required to achieve too high level of knowledge and preparation in comparision with the time assigned to management at present. The set of organizational, technical and professional training as a whole is not complied by any local voluntary fire brigade unit belonging to category II and III of fire protection unit.
Operational directing entity SDH micro-region Trebonsko and their exercise at solving extraordinary situation
FUČÍK, Martin
In this thesis I am trying to document the activities of voluntary fire brigades op-erating in the micro region of Třeboň with its administrative centre in the town of Tře-boň. This is a flatland area in the southeast part of South Bohemia. There is a vast lake system, with a lot of culture spots, and diverse density of populated areas. There is no serious polluter of industrial origin, thus the region is a very attractive location for tour-ism. The population security is safeguarded by fire brigades of all categories according to the plan of the insurance coverage against fire. Emergency units consist of members of voluntary fire brigades. These civic associations are mainstays of culture, sports and social life, and a local fire brigade is a part of the integrated rescue system in compli-ance with the Act No. 239/2000 of the Code. It is an absolute matter-of-course for most people in this part of the region to help other people in emergency, thus involvement in various civic activities and associations is relatively extensive, and some of them belong among other organs of the integrated rescue system. In order to co-ordinate and unite the process of alert to remove the consequences of emergencies, laws, notices and regu-lations were issued and they are more or less followed. This thesis highlights some im-perfections and suggests some possible solutions.

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5 FUČÍK, Marek
1 FUČÍK, Miroslav
5 Fučík, Marek
3 Fučík, Martin
2 Fučík, Michael
2 Fučík, Michal
4 Fučík, Milan
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