National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Povrchová úprava kuchyňských pracovních desek
Endlicherová, Veronika
This bachelor thesis deals with the problematics of kitchen worktops finishing. It evaluates the physico-mechanical, chemical, ecological, utility and visual properties of surface treatment of composite materials, wood-based materials and solid oak and cherry wood used for the manufacture of kitchen worktops. Solid wood samples were finished with a transparent polyurethane coating. In this research, the requirements for the surface finish of kitchen worktops were analysed. These materials are being compared in terms of physico-mechanical properties, as well as utility and appearance characteristics. The materials were subjected to tests in order to verify the resistances to cold liquids, wet heat, dry heat, falling bead, abrasion, scratch, steam, film hardness, surface gloss and color.
Antibakteriální vlastnosti povrchových úprav pracovních kuchyňských desek
Endlicherová, Veronika
The diploma thesis deals with antibacterial properties of kitchen worktops surface finishes. The thesis compares the antibacterial, physical-mechanical, utility and appearance properties of various surface treatments on solid wood of oak, acacia and pear wood. The research was carried out on alkydurethane and water-borne varnish. Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were used for the assesment of antibacterial activity. The thesis describes the risks associated with microorganisms and kitchen environment. Furthermore, the requirements for surface finishes of kitchen worktops were analyzed.

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