Prohibited means and methods of warfare - biological and chemical weapons
Dudková, Kristýna ; Ondřej, Jan (advisor) ; Hýbnerová, Stanislava (referee)
Prohibitied Means and Methods of Warfare - Biological Weapons and Chemical Weapons The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of legislation banning the development, production, stockpiling, using and subsequent destruction of biological and chemical weapons and how are conventions, which prohibit the aforementioned, followed. I deal with these areas so I concluded if biological and chemical weapons still pose a threat to the world. During solving these objectives, I have focused on the classification of the prohibition of biological and chemical weapons to the law of armed conflicts and disarmament law, and whether the prohibition of the use of biological and chemical weapons is considered as part of customary law. Professional publications in the field of international law, political science, military, medicine and others were used to achieve the objectives of the research. They were also used UN resolutions, conventions, which regulate prohibited means and methods of warfare, particularly those that prohibit production, development, stockpiling and use of biological and chemical weapons and, last but not least, reports of international organizations dealing with this area, such as Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Arms Control Association. The thesis is...
Child soldier status in international law and the application of international law to protect him
Dudková, Kristýna ; Pulgret, Miroslav (advisor) ; Kučera, Tomáš (referee)
Children are one of the most vulnerable category of people on the world and their rights are breached very often. Because children do not have enough strong voice to protect themselves, there are many legal documents designated to their protection. However there are some states which are not bound by these documents and there is only limited possibility of enforcement state parties to documents about child protection to follow them. Children's rights are abused during armed conflicts as well, when children are used as child soldiers. My thesis deals with legal documents about status of child soldier in international law, how children are protected against misusing them as child soldiers during armed conflicts by international law, what is a definition of a child and a child soldier in first part. The thesis is focused on legal protection of child soldiers in some areas of the world and how efficient this protection is in next part. Practical part of my thesis shows that the issue of using of child soldiers is still vivid, because children are still used during armed conflicts around the world. I show possible solutions which would decrease number of child soldiers around the world at the end of my thesis.
Prohibited means and methods of warfare - biological and chemical weapons
Dudková, Kristýna ; Ondřej, Jan (advisor) ; Hýbnerová, Stanislava (referee)
Prohibitied Means and Methods of Warfare - Biological Weapons and Chemical Weapons The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of legislation banning the development, production, stockpiling, using and subsequent destruction of biological and chemical weapons and how are conventions, which prohibit the aforementioned, followed. I deal with these areas so I concluded if biological and chemical weapons still pose a threat to the world. During solving these objectives, I have focused on the classification of the prohibition of biological and chemical weapons to the law of armed conflicts and disarmament law, and whether the prohibition of the use of biological and chemical weapons is considered as part of customary law. Professional publications in the field of international law, political science, military, medicine and others were used to achieve the objectives of the research. They were also used UN resolutions, conventions, which regulate prohibited means and methods of warfare, particularly those that prohibit production, development, stockpiling and use of biological and chemical weapons and, last but not least, reports of international organizations dealing with this area, such as Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and Arms Control Association. The thesis is...