National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
User judgments of retrieval results relevance
Drtinová, Iveta ; Jarolímková, Adéla (advisor) ; Lipková, Helena (referee)
v anglickém jazyce This diploma thesis focuses on finding out what criteria users use when assessing the pertinence of search results of professional information and what other factors may affect this assessment. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the concept of relevance and pertinence, presents the findings of foreign research on this topic and approaches the groups of selected criteria. The practical part, implemented in the form of a questionnaire survey, then focuses on undergraduate students at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University and tries to find out what criteria students use in evaluating professional resources.
A complaints book in the library - examples of the use and effectiveness
Drtinová, Iveta ; Římanová, Radka (advisor) ; Zadražilová, Iva (referee)
Bachelor's thesis describes the analysis of the entries in the Books of wishes and complaints about the practice of free different types of libraries. Entries are analyzed of view form and content, and then dividend according to the formal processing of the types of records that are subsequently dividend according dates and according to content, broken down into categories and subcategories that describe the subjekt entries. Further on, response libraries thus obtained suggestions and feedback to the scene chosen by comparing the best practices and recommended its improvement. The work is made up of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part of the tendency is the definition of the term Suggestions and complaints and are described embodiment, a complaints book with which a user might encounter in the Czech libraries. In the practical part is a description of the analysis, which took place in the National Library, Regional Library in Pardubice and Prague MunicipalLibrary.

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