Slurry surfacing - composition and quality issue
Dostál, Filip ; Koudelka, Tomáš (referee) ; Hýzl, Petr (advisor)
This thesis is focused on slurry surfacing technology, particularly on microsurfacing. The theoretical part describes the differences between the slurry seal and microsurfacing. Ingredients for the production and laying. There are also described their advantages. The practical part presents proposal of mixture and demonstrate that the service of life of the emulsion mixture is closely related to the content of residual binder and composition of microsurface.
Influence of
Dostál, Filip ; Dašek, Ondřej (referee) ; Hýzl, Petr (advisor)
The diploma thesis is focused on polymer modified binders with different polymer doses. The theoretical part describes the history of the use of bitumen, the extraction of bitumen from oil and behavious of the polymer type SBS/SB, which is used in the diploma thesis on modified binders. Further, the theoretical part describes the empirical and functional tests of bitumen binders. In the practical part the results of indidual tests are presented and compared with the standard ČSN 65 7222-1. At the end of the diploma thesis are summarized results of work and evaluation of binders with the best achieved properties.
Catholic High School and the new reform of curricula in the Czech Rep.
Dostál, Filip ; Kuźniar, Mariusz (advisor) ; Dřímal, Ludvík (referee)
Catholic High School and the new Curriculum in the Czech Republic Dissertation purses theory of curicculum and aim of education in catholic secondary school in context of process of introduction of Framevork Education Programme for Secondary General Education in the Czech Republic. Dissertation evolves theory of christocentrical curriculum according to documents of Secound Vatican Council and Congregation for Catholic Education. From this point of view are analyzed School Education Programmes of fourteen Secondary Schools founded by Catholic Church in the Czech Republic.
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Pracovnělékařské služby
Dostál, Filip ; Havelka, Josef ; Scheu, Lenka ; Štefko, Martin
Jednou z povinností zaměstnavatele je komplexně řídit rizika. Současně k jeho povinnostem podle ustanovení § 103 odst. 1 písm. a) zákona č. 262/2006 Sb., zákoník práce, ve znění pozdějších předpisů (dále jen „zákoník práce“) náleží i nepřipustit, aby zaměstnanci vykonávali zakázané práce, stejně jako práce, ve kterých by náročnost nebyla adekvátní jejich schopnostem a zdravotní způsobilosti. Ke splnění těchto povinností by měl být výrazně nápomocný poskytovatel pracovnělékařských služeb. Ten je obeznámen s problematikou bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví při práci v takové míře, že by se měl podílet na snížení počtu pracovních úrazů a nemocí z povolání, což se týká především méně rizikových prací. S účinností od 1. dubna 2012 jsou pracovnělékařské služby definovány v ustanovení § 53 zákona č. 373/2011 Sb., o specifických zdravotních službách, ve znění pozdějších předpisů (dále jen „zákon o specifických zdravotních službách“). V této souvislosti je možné poznamenat, že podle Úmluvy ILO č. 161 o závodních zdravotních službách pojem závodní zdravotní služba přesahuje pouhé provádění pracovnělékařských prohlídek zaměstnanců. Závodní zdravotní služba je důležitá hlavně z pohledu prevence vzniku onemocnění. K tomu je nezbytná důkladná znalost pracovního prostředí. Ačkoliv pod pracovnělékařské služby spadá preventivní, diagnostická a konzultační péče, stěžejní je zvláště služba posudkové péče. V jejím rámci poskytovatel pracovnělékařské péče zjišťuje, je-li zaměstnanec schopen vykonávat dosavadní práci.
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Covid-19 nemoc z povolání
Dostál, Filip ; Scheu, Lenka
Informační brožura poskytuje informace a návodnou instruktáž zejména zaměstnancům a zaměstnavatelům v případě podezření, že nákaza nemocí covid-19 při výkonu zaměstnání má charakter nemoci z povolání.
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Influence of
Dostál, Filip ; Dašek, Ondřej (referee) ; Hýzl, Petr (advisor)
The diploma thesis is focused on polymer modified binders with different polymer doses. The theoretical part describes the history of the use of bitumen, the extraction of bitumen from oil and behavious of the polymer type SBS/SB, which is used in the diploma thesis on modified binders. Further, the theoretical part describes the empirical and functional tests of bitumen binders. In the practical part the results of indidual tests are presented and compared with the standard ČSN 65 7222-1. At the end of the diploma thesis are summarized results of work and evaluation of binders with the best achieved properties.
Slurry surfacing - composition and quality issue
Dostál, Filip ; Koudelka, Tomáš (referee) ; Hýzl, Petr (advisor)
This thesis is focused on slurry surfacing technology, particularly on microsurfacing. The theoretical part describes the differences between the slurry seal and microsurfacing. Ingredients for the production and laying. There are also described their advantages. The practical part presents proposal of mixture and demonstrate that the service of life of the emulsion mixture is closely related to the content of residual binder and composition of microsurface.
Catholic High School and the new reform of curricula in the Czech Rep.
Dostál, Filip ; Kuźniar, Mariusz (advisor) ; Dřímal, Ludvík (referee)
Catholic High School and the new Curriculum in the Czech Republic Dissertation purses theory of curicculum and aim of education in catholic secondary school in context of process of introduction of Framevork Education Programme for Secondary General Education in the Czech Republic. Dissertation evolves theory of christocentrical curriculum according to documents of Secound Vatican Council and Congregation for Catholic Education. From this point of view are analyzed School Education Programmes of fourteen Secondary Schools founded by Catholic Church in the Czech Republic.
Evaluation and autoevaluation of secondary school
Dostál, Filip ; Koťa, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Chvál, Martin (referee)
The diploma work deals with the introduction of grammar schools auto-evaluation process together with the curriculum reform in progress. Analysis of school legislation in force and of binding curriculum documents led to the conclusion that schools autoevaluation is the main and almost the sole mechanism of control and quality and efficiency improvement of grammar school education. This fact contrasts markedly with the marginal position of auto-evaluation in the legislation in force and curriculum documents. Some theoretical basis for grammar schools auto-evaluation were defined and critically reviewed through compilation of literature; they were interpreted in the light of post-modern, positivist and pragmatist philosophical concepts; constituent review was based on neo-tomist positions. The focus of the work lies in analysis of auto-evaluation phases recommended in literature. What is new is a concept of "pre-evaluation" phase which assumes a metaevaluation character although preceding the evaluation itself. A two-phase questionnaire survey was devised and applied at the curriculum reform pilot grammar school for this phase. Finally, three tools for auto-evaluation of study results of grammar school students were devised - evaluation of facultative subjects, a statistical analysis of grammar school...