Advertising and Its Influence for Consumers
Daněk, Jan ; Chloupek, Pavel (referee) ; Navrátilová, Ludmila (advisor)
In theoretical part this thesis is focuses on the concept of advertising, its history, divisions of advertising and advertising media and also on consumers and consumer behavior and factors which affecting buyers behavior. Practical part of thesis is focused on the analysis of consumer behavior, specifically in the area of energy drinks. There was conducted research, which results will help to improve marketing communications of Red Bull company.
Antenna for universal transmitter
Daněk, Jan ; Láčík, Jaroslav (referee) ; Láčík, Jaroslav (advisor)
This work describes an electrically small antennas used for mobile devices in the ISM band. The aim of this work is to select an antenna for a universal transmitter/receiver working in the 868 MHz band. The work contains description of the universal transmitter/receiver, and a list of suitable antennas. Tolerance analysis is performed by numerical model. The proposed antenna is manufactured and measured.
Stepper motor control using CPLD
Daněk, Jan ; Kolouch, Jaromír (referee) ; Kováč, Michal (advisor)
The aim of my bachelor thesis was the control of CPLD stepper motor. To create a radio controlled antenna rotator. The controlling is done by a computer using RF circuits. The thesis includes a construction and principles of stepper motor. Basic structures of CPLD circuits were applying to create the control circuit. The possibilities of sensing the position and the data storage circuit were discussed. The control program in VHDL was implemented in development boards. The development board is connected to radio receiver circuit and the stepper motor driver. A transmitting board was connected to a personal computer or other device using RS232 interface. Printed circuit boards for transmitter and receiver circuits were created. The PC program was designed for data transmission. The program sends data and communicates via RS232 interface.
Implementation of the ecosystem services framework into policy and decision-making
Daněk, Jan ; Vačkářová, Davina Elena (advisor) ; Mederly, Peter (referee) ; Schneider, Jiří (referee)
The ecosystem services (ES) framework enables a better understanding of the benefits of nature to people and society. Thus it can help to inform decision-making and promote a more sustainable use of nature and landscape. Although the number of scientific publications on ES is steadily increasing, the actual application of ES knowledge in policy, decision-making and practice by actors is still very limited. The dissertation examines through several sub-studies whether and how the ES framework is already implemented in policies and in the real decision-making practice of various actors in the Czech Republic, and what the possibilities are of using this framework. The methods used include policy content analysis, semi-structured interviews, participatory workshops, focus groups, questionnaire survey with participatory mapping and a systematic literature review. The individual studies are then embedded in a conceptual framework of impact assessment for policy and decision-making. The results show that although the ES framework is relatively abundant in key national environmental policies, its application in decision-making is minimal. The identified gap between the existing level of implementation in policies and the very limited use in decision-making and practice can be explained by a number of...
Využití různých technologií zpracování půdy ke kukuřici v podmínkách zemědělského podniku
Daněk, Jan
The literature part of the bachelor thesis deals with soil characteristics, maize sowing and soil processing. In the soil processing chapter, the different soil processing technologies are divided and characterised. The bachelor thesis focuses on the comparison of four soil treatment methods - shallow loosening, deep loosening, medium loosening and plough-ing. A one-year semi-operational experiment was carried out on the land of Agrodružstvo Žimutice. The experiment was mainly focused on the comparison of yield from the differ-ent variants, but other parameters were also evaluated - number of plants per m2, grain moisture at harvest, protein and starch content, bulk density and HTZ. All data were ana-lysed from a one-year semi-operational experiment. The highest yields were obtained with shallow tillage and the lowest yields with deep tillage. However, the yields were not statistically conclusive. Statistical significance was observed for the qualitative parameters of protein content, bulk density and HTZ.
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Negative language transfer students for English-speaking Czech as a foreign language. Applied contrastive linguistic study on the material selected Czech and English verbs with the meaning of interpersonal communication
Daněk, Jan ; Machová, Svatava (advisor) ; Panevová, Jarmila (referee) ; Kolářová, Ivana (referee)
Práce je zaměřena na problematiku negativního jazykového transferu anglicky mluvicích studentů češtiny jako ciziho jazyka. Na materiálu deseti českých sloves s významem interpersonálni komunikace, totiž říci (si), říkat (si), říkávat (si), mluvit, hovořit, povědět, povídat (si), oznámit, informovat a konstatovat, ukazuje, jaký obraz jazykového jednáni je typický pro rodilé mluvči češtiny. V porovnáni s převzatou analýzou anglických lexémů speak, talk, say a tell stanovuje shody a rozdily obrazu jazykového jednáni v češtině a v angličtině a predikuje oblasti negativního jazykového transferu u anglicky mluvicich studentů češtiny jako ciziho jazyka. Tuto predikci následně ověřuje pomoci výzkumné sondy. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
Czech language competence among foreign pupils in Czech schools (focus on reading comprehension)
Brumlichová, Zuzana ; Hájková, Eva (advisor) ; Daněk, Jan (referee)
The present thesis discusses certain aspects of Czech as a foreign or second language. The theoretical section includes a definition of the term foreign pupil in the context of Czech education, an overview of the legislative framework of foreign pupils' education and a discussion of language education on the international level with a focus on Czech as a foreign language. Last but not least, the significance of reading literacy is assessed with regard to its use in language education. The thesis aims to establish the level of reading comprehension skills in foreign pupils of primary schools who are in their second stage of basic education. The assessment was carried out by means of a didactic test closely based on the language competence criteria as set out in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The results of the research were analysed according to several criteria influencing the foreign pupil's involvement in Czech language classes, and subsequently compared to the results achieved by pupils who are native speakers of Czech.