National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Zhodnocení účinnosti ekologicky šetrných prostředků na ochranu zelí vůči škůdcům
Borková, Kristýna
The topic of this diploma thesis is Evaluation of the effectiveness of ecologicall friendly preparations on protect cabbage against pests. The task was mapping information about the pests, that harm Brassica vegetables on our teritory and methods of regulating them. In the experimentall part, I looked at the occurence of particular pests on the parcels of the company Zahradnictví Brabec. The aim of the experimental part was to compare the insecticides still used with bio-friendly plant protection products from Biocont-Laboratory. At used products were assessed their percentage efficacy and economic effectiveness. Overall, were higher efficacy found at chemical insecticides, but biological preparation SpinTor was also highly effective.
Druhové spektrum plevelů ve vybraných porostech okopanin a zelenin
Borková, Kristýna
In my thesis I was focused on the species spectrum of weeds in these crops – cabbage, pumpkins and potatoes. The observation was carried out in a company Zahradnictví Brabec located in Modřice, not far from Brno. I performed the evaluation on the basis of numerical method and statistics, using the ordination diagram to show the results. Most frequently in crops were Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), Common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) and Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense). These three weeds occured in all crops in large quantities. The most weeds were in pumpkin growthand the least weeds were in cabbage.

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