National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.10 seconds. 
VN Sedlice – Experimental bottom sediment removal
Vrzák, J. ; Borecký, K. ; Borovec, Jakub
The report describes the progress of the mining experiment leading to the removal and deposit of bottom sediments from the reservoir. The report includes monitoring of technological conditions and the influence of mining and processing of sediments on the water quality in the reservoir.
Use of a research sonar to determine sediment thickness
Borovec, Jakub ; Torrijos, Javiera ; Jan, Jiří ; Dadejík, M. ; Borecký, K. ; Vrzák, J.
The study summarizes research results aimed at the identification and quantification of sediments in freshwater reservoirs. An algorithm for the interpretation of sonar data, and the calculation of sediment thickness as well as for the estimation of basic sediment characteristics was developed. A device for the collection of sediment cores, which are used for the calibration of sonar output data was introduced.
Business plan "MiniMost"
Umlaufová, Zdeňka ; Netková, Jarmila (advisor) ; Bořecký, Karel (referee)
The thesis deals with drawing up the business plan for a newly planned tourism atractivity in Most -- miniature park of the old town of Most, "MiniMost". Its aim is to assess the economic independence of this atractivity, respectively its dependence on the financial support of the town of Most. For this purpose the demand analysis was carried out in form of questionnaire survey in the partner miniature park Klein-Erzgebirge in Saxony and professional excursion around the Most region with students of the University of Economics in Prague. The competition analysis is used to assess the future position of the miniature park MiniMost on the tourism market.

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