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Utváření moderních prostorů ve vztahu k historickému prostředí
Bláhová, Martina
Thesis on the formation of modern space in relation to the historic environment consists of two parts. The first part defines the concept of public space and discusses the historical development and forms of public space in cities throughout the centuries. The following chapters define the requirements of a particular selected locationie. Olomouc Bishop's Square to the so-called. "Petrské" hill. It also detailed the history of the area, including historic photographs when drafting follows the historical facts. Itconnects the old with the new. The proposal itself brightens line Square, reveals the beauty of historic palacesand offers use of space for leisure activities and relaxation.
Diplomový projekt - potenciál řeky Moravy v Olomouci
Bláhová, Martina
The diploma thesis The Potential of the Morava River in Olomouc deals with the use of the river and the coastal areas in the current cities. Access to the rivers and their contribution to the city has been explored on selected foreign and Czech realizations. Based on acquired theoretical and practical experience, the principles of designing coastal zones in cities were formulated. The second part of the thesis deals with the concrete design of the coastal area around the Morava river in Olomouc. The solved territory is located in the very heart of the city and is a key area of planned flood protection of the city. The proposal seeks to enrich the water management solution with recreational elements and instead to integrate more into the citys structure.
Motivation for Change within the Team Communication
Bláhová, Martina ; Stejskalová, Irena (advisor) ; Sedláková, Jaroslava (referee)
The aim of the thesis was to facilitate the implementation of process change in the company KS-Europe, s.r.o. For this purpose, I conducted a survey in that enterprise through which I examined the feelings and opinions of employees for future change. On the basis of the survey was identified risk areas in preparation for the change about which I informed the director of the company that he could possibly take appropriate measures to alleviate the course of change. Approximately two months after the introduction of the change I conducted structured interviews with the director of the company, the chief of Heftshop and two employees. These interviews were analyzed by comparison to assess the overall course changes.
The budgetary allocation of taxes to municipalities
Bláhová, Martina ; Krbová, Jana (advisor) ; Pucandlová, Miroslava (referee)
The objective of this bachelor thesis is to find purposes why the excise taxes, of which total revenue flows solely to the state budget, should be included into shared taxes, i.e. a part of the total income from those taxes would be transferred into municipal budgets.
Foreknowledge of women in childbed about the possibility of navel cord blood taking
BLÁHOVÁ, Martina
The objective of the thesis was to determine the level of expectant mothers' awareness of the possibility of umbilical cord blood collection. Umbilical cord blood can be collected only at one moment {--} after the child has been delivered. Umbilical cord blood comprises stem cells that cannot be found in the body any other time in human life. Stem cells have been used to treat blood diseases for several years. Umbilical cord blood is contained in umbilical cord and placenta. Umbilical cord blood collection is not dangerous under any circumstances and donation is entirely optional. The midwife is a member of the team that participates in umbilical cord blood collection. She is familiar with the correct blood collection technique. She educates pregnant women during pregnancy and also during childbirth about the possibility of umbilical cord blood collection and use. In spite of the fact that pregnant women have enough information about the possibility of umbilical cord blood collection, it is necessary to improve awareness of the importance of the collected umbilical cord blood - e.g. in prenatal courses or by creating a complex educative material. Nowadays umbilical cord blood is used mainly in the treatment of children's haemoplastic diseases, but in the future usage of stem cells could exceed the imagination. The advantage is that umbilical cord blood can be collected safely and painlessly after the childbirth and it can be stored in the long term in the umbilical cord blood banks. Umbilical cord blood preservation may become a meaningful health and life policy.
The influence of grounding in martial arts on the changes in physical condition of pupils at the first stage of primary school\\
BLÁHOVÁ, Martina
The diploma thesis describes how to ascertain the influence of basic martial arts on pupils at primary school. Selected martial arts exercises are planned in a four month period, and the pupil´s physical condition is closely watched to see how it is affected. To ascertain the improvement in the pupil's physical condition, the test called EUROFIT was used. And they correspond the question how these martial arts activities affect the physical condition of a pupil.
Informační podpora systému hodnocení pracovníků na příkladu AMI Praha, a.s.
Brázda, Jiří ; Kubešová, Vlasta (advisor) ; Bláhová, Martina (referee)
Význam hodnocení pracovníků pro konkurenceschopnost firmy. Teoretická východiska systému hodnocení pracovníků a jeho informačního zabezpečení. Stručná charakteristika firmy a analýza jejích silných a slabých stránek. Návrh systému hodnocení pracovníků ve firmě a doporučení.

See also: similar author names
7 BLAHOVÁ, Monika
8 BLÁHOVÁ, Marie
18 BLÁHOVÁ, Markéta
11 BLÁHOVÁ, Martina
8 BLÁHOVÁ, Michaela
1 BLÁHOVÁ, Miloslava
7 BLÁHOVÁ, Monika
6 Blahová, Marcela
8 Blahová, Marie
18 Blahová, Markéta
8 Blahová, Michaela
2 Bláhová, Magdalena
6 Bláhová, Marcela
8 Bláhová, Marie
18 Bláhová, Markéta
3 Bláhová, Marta
11 Bláhová, Martina
8 Bláhová, Michaela
7 Bláhová, Monika
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