Image processing software for infrared thermography study during radio frequency ablation
Zemčíková, Petra ; Sedlář, Martin (referee) ; Bernard, Vladan (advisor)
This thesis deals with principle and device of radiofrequency ablation technique, infrared imaging systems with a focus on non-contact measurement of surface temperatures, process of representation and detection of infrared radiation. On the next part of the thesis are described methods of image processing with an emphasis on the methods used in the software for processing infrared radiofrequency ablation images. The thesis also includes the design and the description of the created software for evaluating the effect of duration of ablation, used power or position of the electrodes and the stent to the stent heating.
Software image processing of infrared thermograms of the lower limbs of diabetic patients
Langerová, Jana ; Mézl, Martin (referee) ; Bernard, Vladan (advisor)
This work deals with the automatic processing of the thermal images of the soles of the lower limbs. It contains general research in the topic of diabetic foot syndrome and general description of diabetes mellitus. It also deals with the theoretical area of the infrared radiation used in thermovision techniques and image processing techniques. In the second part, there is practically described the proposition of the software and then also its realization and commissioning. Created software contains two main possibilities for cropping the searching sole, the first one is completely manual detection and the second one is automatic with manual correction. In this work, there are also described all the procedures for reaching of the temperature analyzes. Last part of this work is dedicated to statical valorization of the information, which was got by the created software and which is conceived generally and serves to functional valorization of the created software.
Software for analysis of body surface temperature changes before and after exercise
Remenárová, Veronika ; Bernard, Vladan (referee) ; Vlk, Daniel (advisor)
This thesis focuses on creating an application software for monitoring and analyzing changes in body surface temperature before and after exercise test by the means of contactless thermography. Initial, theoretical part of this thesis talks about principles and possible scenarios, in which one could employ infrared thermography followed by physiology of the exercise load and concludes with an observation of the changes in body surface temperature while focusing on the actions that take place during the exercise test. Practical part of the thesis comprises of the exercise test and building of the application software for the analysis of the acquired thermographic visual output. The application software offers 2 kinds of analyses: general and under-load, while it aims to provide evaluation in both cases based on user-selected areas of interest. Last chapter of this thesis includes final output with commentary and eventual usage of the under-load experiment and application software in practical use.
Cardiac resynchronization therapy - Evaluation of biosignals and quality assessment of devices
Lipnická, Soňa ; Maryšková, Věra (referee) ; Bernard, Vladan (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis is essentially devoted to the therapy of cardiac activity, pacemakers, to their types, application, indications, contraindications, and technical processing of devices. In this bachelor's thesis, there is also included description of biosignals, that are measured in dependence on these devices. All measurements and observations are necessary for proper monitoring of the patient's health condition. Another objective of this bachelor's thesis is to collect clinical data, that are statistically evaluated and then the results are compared with physiological values. In conclusion, this bachelor's thesis proves the importance of the use of pacemakers in today’s health service.
Synthesis of colloidal gold nanorods for biomedical applications
Valkovičová, Jiřina ; Bernard, Vladan (referee) ; Drbohlavová, Jana (advisor)
Diplomová práce se zabývá výrobou a využitím zlatých koloidních nanotyčinek v biomedicínských aplikacích. Konkrétně se zaměřuje na tři základní funkce nanočástic v analýze - transportní, separační a především zobrazovací. V části o využití nanočástic pro zobrazování je hlavní zájem věnován zejména povrchové plazmonové rezonanci zlatých nantyčinek. Dále je práce zaměřena na využití nanotyčinek pro termální terapii. Následující část je věnována vhodným modifikacím povrchu, hlavně za účelem zmírnění toxicity částic. Závěrem teoretické části jsou způsoby přípravy zlatých koloidních nanotyčinek a techniky jejich následné analýzy. V navazující experimetální části jsou uvedeny postupy, podmínky a výsledky provedených pokusů.
Methods for infrared thermography with detection of specific facial areas
Kolářová, Dana ; Bernard, Vladan (referee) ; Maryšková, Věra (advisor)
This paper deals with non-contact measurement of temperature in human faces. Principle of measurement of infrared radiation and construction of the thermal imager is described in a literature search. The main part of the paper is design of an algorithm for automatic processing and the detection of regions of interest in thermal images. The theoretical description of used methods is also included in this paper. The aim is to design and implement a program for automatic evaluation of temperature changes in a human face in a sequence of thermal images that were taken with short time delay. As a part of thesis is description of implementation of designed algorithm in programming enviroment MATLAB and the description of the user interface. The program was tested on the experimental data samples. Obtained results and possible limitations are also discused in this paper.
The effect of therapeutical ultrasound and metalic nanoparticles on carcinoma cells
Kalužová, Adéla ; Rozman, Jiří (referee) ; Bernard, Vladan (advisor)
This thesis focuses on the research of an effect of ultrasound and nanoparticles on cancer cells. In the literature search there the applications of ultrasound field in the interaction with aplication of metallic nanoparticles to viability of cancer cells are described, on the basis of in vitro experiments‘ performance. The purpose of metallic nanoparticles‘ application should be a possible reinforcing of its antitumor effect thanks to the presence of ultrasound field. In next part of the literature search there are included the technical performance of devices, their indications and contraindications, parameters of ultrasound fields and application of metallic nanoparticles. The metallic nanoparticles have been becoming a part of the human’s life more and more, that is why it’s necessary to deal with these miniature particles at a higher level. The aim of this thesis is to suggest the ways of resolution based on the principle of sounding of cells with the ultrasound field of suitable parameters and in combination with the application of metallic nanoparticles with a successive performance of the cell viability tests. The viability was determinated by the MTT assay test. Another part of this work is the measurement of parameters of this zone by means of a submersible needle hydrophone, for a better understanding of the ultrasonic zone. In the final part of this work there is necessary the statistical evaluation of the measured data of the experiments carried out and the discussion of the results obtained.
Contactless thermography in clinic medicine
Langerová, Jana ; Staffa, Erik (referee) ; Bernard, Vladan (advisor)
This thesis deals with the theory of infrared thermography in medicine and its subsequent practical application in the creation of the program. As part of this diploma thesis, researches were carried out on the topic of thermovision imaging techniques, its use mainly in clinical medicine and also research in the field of image data processing. Theoretical knowledge is written into the first three chapters of this thesis. The next chapter deals with the design of a web application for the analysis of thermographic images of patients with vascular disease lower limbs and the PHP program environment with its particulars. In the second half of the thesis there is a detailed description of the practical creation of the mentioned application in PHP environment with the use of some PHP libraries. One chapter is also devoted to the discussion of the method of obtaining thermographic images for testing the created application and to the statistical evaluation of acquired data. This thesis is divided into 8 different chapters and also into many sub-chapters.
Measuring Methods and Procedures in Medicine
Smutný, Martin ; Bezrouk, Aleš (advisor) ; Bernard, Vladan (referee) ; Podlesný, Jan (referee)
Measuring methods and procedures in medicine Biodegradable materials and shape memory alloys (SMA) have great potential in medicine, but for their use it is necessary to know their properties thoroughly. This work focused on investigating the mechanical properties of nickel-titanium (NiTi) rotary instruments, NiTi orthodontic coil springs and biodegradable esophageal stents. For NiTi rotary instruments, the aim was to optimize the methodology for testing their cyclic fatigue resistance and shaping ability. For this purpose, 20 copies of resin endoblocks were produced using the 3D JetPrinting method. These copies were then compared with commercially available originals. A statistically significantly lower dimensional variability of printed blocks was found compared to commercial endoblocks, confirming the high reproducibility of their production process. For NiTi orthodontic coil springs, the deactivation plateau is the most important from a clinical point of view. It is the part of the load curve in which the acting force of the spring is independent of its extension and is used to move the treated tooth into the correct position. Therefore, the aim of this work was first to establish a methodology for the unambiguous determination of the deactivation plateau. With the developed methodology, it was...
Software for analysis of body surface temperature changes before and after exercise
Remenárová, Veronika ; Bernard, Vladan (referee) ; Vlk, Daniel (advisor)
This thesis focuses on creating an application software for monitoring and analyzing changes in body surface temperature before and after exercise test by the means of contactless thermography. Initial, theoretical part of this thesis talks about principles and possible scenarios, in which one could employ infrared thermography followed by physiology of the exercise load and concludes with an observation of the changes in body surface temperature while focusing on the actions that take place during the exercise test. Practical part of the thesis comprises of the exercise test and building of the application software for the analysis of the acquired thermographic visual output. The application software offers 2 kinds of analyses: general and under-load, while it aims to provide evaluation in both cases based on user-selected areas of interest. Last chapter of this thesis includes final output with commentary and eventual usage of the under-load experiment and application software in practical use.