National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Rubber damper of a four-cylinder diesel engine
Bauza, Erik ; Novotný, Pavel (referee) ; Píštěk, Václav (advisor)
A content of this diploma thesis is construction design of torsional vibration rubber damper of four-stroke diesel supercharged engine. It` s realized evaluation of crankshaft from aspect of torsional vibrations and checked mechanical stress of crankshaft without using rubber damper. Consequently basic parameters of rubber damper are specified, then checked mechanical stress of crankshaft and designed own construction design of damper.
Piston for 225 kW 4-stroke SI-engine
Bauza, Erik ; Dundálek, Radim (referee) ; Svída, David (advisor)
Contents of this work is processing of computational suggestion and construction solution of piston for four- stroke SI turbocharged piston with power of 225 kW. This work is point to suggestion of basic dimension of engine, crankshaft mechanism and basic dimensions of piston. Designed piston is controled in critical sections. In this work is also shortly describe last tendency on development and construction of pistons, also a shortly describe of single components of designed engine.
Rubber damper of a four-cylinder diesel engine
Bauza, Erik ; Novotný, Pavel (referee) ; Píštěk, Václav (advisor)
A content of this diploma thesis is construction design of torsional vibration rubber damper of four-stroke diesel supercharged engine. It` s realized evaluation of crankshaft from aspect of torsional vibrations and checked mechanical stress of crankshaft without using rubber damper. Consequently basic parameters of rubber damper are specified, then checked mechanical stress of crankshaft and designed own construction design of damper.
Piston for 225 kW 4-stroke SI-engine
Bauza, Erik ; Dundálek, Radim (referee) ; Svída, David (advisor)
Contents of this work is processing of computational suggestion and construction solution of piston for four- stroke SI turbocharged piston with power of 225 kW. This work is point to suggestion of basic dimension of engine, crankshaft mechanism and basic dimensions of piston. Designed piston is controled in critical sections. In this work is also shortly describe last tendency on development and construction of pistons, also a shortly describe of single components of designed engine.

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