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Web Application for Managing a Community Greenhouse
Tsiareshkin, Ivan ; Materna, Zdeněk (referee) ; Bažout, David (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá vývojem webové aplikace pro správu komunitního skleníku. Hlavním cílem je vytvoření manažerských funkcí, které jsou doplněny o intuitivní rozhraní odpovídající potřebám různých typů uživatelů. Práce podrobně popisuje všechny kroky vývojového procesu, včetně průzkumu a analýzy požadavků, návrhu, vyhodnocování uživatelského rozhraní, samotného vývoje a závěrečného testování. Diskutovány jsou také různé koncepty vývoje webových aplikací a je odůvodněn výběr konkrétních technologií. Celá aplikace je implementována v jazyce TypeScript s použitím Express.js a PostgreSQL pro back-end a Next.js pro front-end. Výsledkem je testovaná a optimalizovaná aplikace, která umožňuje uživatelům pohodlnou správu komunitního skleníku.
Webová aplikace pro správu chytrého tržiště
Marek, Roman ; Herout, Adam (referee) ; Bažout, David (advisor)
The main motivation for creating the thesis derives from the already existing project of Ing. David Bazout, which is called the Smart Greenhouse. This project works on the basis of a web application in which individual users choose the conditions in which they want to grow their crops. Within a single community greenhouse, multiple areas are available for customers to rent and then plant their crops. However, a part of the greenhouse area is not available for rent because it is managed by the respective greenhouse manager. This is where the smart marketplace application comes in play. This enables the sale of the products that would go to waste. At the same time, however, it also includes automation of administrator tasks, message exchange between users and other functionality that would make the whole process easier. For implementation it was applied the Django framework, which uses the SQLite database to store the necessary information. For creation of user interface, the React library and its components were used.
Optimalizace řízení podmínek v inteligentním skleníku
Vilimovský, Dan ; Beran, Vítězslav (referee) ; Bažout, David (advisor)
The work focuses on finding ways to optimize the operation of a smart greenhouse by reducing operating costs and facilitating the sustainability of an ideal environment for plant development in the greenhouse. The aim is to model the conditions in the greenhouse using a developed neural network model that is able to predict the values of environmental parameters such as temperature and humidity. This model is trained on real data obtained from long-term measurements in a test facility. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the possibility of using this neural network model to optimize the control of the greenhouse operation so that ideal development conditions for the plants grown or reduced electricity consumption used for the operation of appliances can be ensured in the future.
Rozpoznávání nemocí rostlin pomocí umělé inteligence
Juliš, Adam ; Kubík, Tibor (referee) ; Bažout, David (advisor)
The aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of plant disease detection in the ab- sence of training data. The possibility of extracting the pattern of each disease and apply- ing these patterns to unknown plants was investigated. While still in the theoretical part of the thesis, this approach was found to be flawed. Furthermore, datasets with images of plant pathogens were analyzed and compared. An augmented image generator and several models were created over a smaller dataset validating existing approaches
Analýza vývoje rostlin pomocí umělé inteligence
Hežel, Hugo ; Juránková, Markéta (referee) ; Bažout, David (advisor)
This paper discusses the issues of plant growth monitoring, artificial neural networks, convolutional neural networks and also pays attention to their construction. We presented the design of two architecturally different convolutional neural network models for plant growth recognition. We tested and compared these models, and the model with the more complex architecture yielded only slightly better results than the model with the minimalist architecture.
Podpora pěstování ve městech pomocí webové aplikace
Čelakovský, Alexandr ; Vaško, Marek (referee) ; Bažout, David (advisor)
The goal of this bachelor thesis is design and implementation of a web application for a smart greenhouse with elements of gamification. The main parts of the system include rental of flowerbeds in individual greenhouses and a smart marketplace that is fully automated. The backend is implemented in the Django framework and the frontend is written in React. Emphasis was placed on the greatest possible automation and simplicity of the user interface. The result of the work is a web application that meets the requirements. Tests have shown that the final solution is functional and user-friendly.
Crowd Behavior Anomaly Detection in Drone Videodata
Bažout, David ; Herout, Adam (referee) ; Beran, Vítězslav (advisor)
There have been lots of new drone applications in recent years. Drones are also often used in the field of national security forces. The aim of this work is to design and implement a tool intended for crowd behavior analysis in drone videodata. This tool ensures identification of suspicious behavior of persons and facilitates its localization. The main benefits include the design of a suitable video stabilization algorithm to stabilize small jitters, as well as trace back of the lost scene. Furthermore, two anomaly detectors were proposed, differing in the method of feature vector extraction and background modeling. Compared to the state of the art approaches, they achieved comparable results, but at the same time they brought the possibility of online data processing.
Visualization of Crowd Behavior Analysis Using Drone Videodata
Dobeš, Zdeněk ; Španěl, Michal (referee) ; Bažout, David (advisor)
The purpose of this work is to design and implement an user interface for visualizing videodata from a drone. The document consists of a description of the construction of a design until its implementation in the form of a web application. It uses the Django application framework, the React web framework and variety of APIs with Google Map API at the top. It aims to create an intuitive environment for monitoring sectors on a map with drones and offers useful tools to make it easier.
Smart Home: Learning Control of Heating
Milostný, Tomáš ; Bažout, David (referee) ; Materna, Zdeněk (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the implementation of a prototype smart home ecosystem focused on home heating. The goal is to create software running on a Raspberry Pi device that, with the help of machine learning predictions, will be able to control and monitor a network of electric direct heating convectors controlled by switching a simple Wi-Fi relay Shelly 1PM. The resulting solution should also have a lower price than conventional smart thermostats.
Detection of Wanted People in Video
Bažout, David ; Musil, Petr (referee) ; Beran, Vítězslav (advisor)
The aim of this work is to create a software tool for searching of wanted people in video recordings from surveillance cameras. Wanted people are identified to the system using multiple facial photos. The output consists of information on the occurrence of wanted persons in specific frames. The problem consists of face detection and its subsequent identification task. Experiments with existing approaches on appropriate datasets provide relevant comparisons of method performance under different conditions. Appropriate methods and their optimal settings for this particular task are chosen according to the results of the experiments. The thesis also deals with the design of suitable architecture, research of existing libraries implementing the tested methods and other ways of optimizing the calculation. The result is the implementation of a user application that meets the specified parameters. The application's functionality has been tested on the own dataset simulating real-world conditions.

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