National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Grey Literature & CRIStin: Current Research Information System in Norway
Asserson, Anne
CRIStine is The National documentation system for all research performance institutions there are publicly Funded in Norway. CRIStine is based on CERIF data model which is composed of IContextual metadata where Person, Organization, Output, Projects etc. are integrated. CRIStin holds the contextual metadata to the Institutional Repositories of the research performing institutions. Currently, CRIStine development is focused on tools which will serve for Organizations easier ways to access information within large data sets and to analyze that information in hopes of managing performance and making better decisions.
Fulltext: nusl-126794_2 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: nusl-126794_1 - Download fulltextPDF; nusl-126794_3 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: nusl-126794_4 - Download fulltextMP4
GL Transparency: Through a Glass, Clearly
Jeffery, Keith G. ; Asserson, Anne
GL (Grey literature, interpreted here as grey objects) is very heterogeneous in content, form and quality. Most GL objects evolve through a workflow. Some of these phases involve some form of evaluation or peer review, commonly internal within the management structure of an organisation and possibly involving external advice, including from ‘friendly peers’ via an e-preprint mechanism. Unlike white literature the evaluation process commonly is unrecorded and undocumented. This leads to accusations that grey literature lacks quality and transparency.
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