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Development of velomobile
Adámek, Silvestr ; Prokop, Aleš (referee) ; Řehák, Kamil (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deal with one of a lesser-known means of transport as velomobile certainly is at the moment. This research aims to the development and overall complexity of these modern human-powered vehicles using aerodynamics to its advantage. Due to absence of internal combustion engine, velomobiles reduce negative environmental impacts but also dependence of fossil fuels. Different specifications of velomobiles such as wheels configuration, propulsion system and its usage are being analysed in this study as well as main construction elements or invariably innovated materials. For instance, carbon fibres are one of the modern materials contributing to the strength and lightness of velomobile. Modern approaches goes hand in hand with the development of these modern vehicles, aerodynamics optimalizations of the vehicle body, construction strength or questions regarding electric propulsion to be more specific. Although velomobiles represent an efficient way of transportation, initial costs, weight and size could be impediment to the wider public.

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