National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Vegetation succession at the clearings at the pine forest areas
Šmidrkalová, Monika ; Hadincová, Věroslava (advisor) ; Prach, Karel (referee)
Vegetation succession at the clearings at the pine forests areas was studied in the sandstone landscapes of the Czech Republic (Bohemian Paradise, Doksy region, Bohemian Switzerland). The aim of the study was to reveal the course of succession, the rate of changes, the factors influencing succession and the differences between the vegetation succession trajectory at the clearings and the burnt places. Space-for- time substitution method was used to record overall 249 phytocenological relevés (100 m2 ) at the clearings from 1 to 170 years, divided into 7 successional stages. The results showed the total number of species did not change significantly during the succession. There were differences in the species composition between successsional stages. The youngest successional stages (to 5 years) differed the most from the older stages by the occurence of shade-intolerant ruderal species. The eldest stages (over 40 years) were similar in the species composition. The type of planted tree and locality influenced the species composition the most within 10 years. The comparative study between the succession at the clearings and the burnt places showed significantly lower total number of species at the clearings. The development of the...
Early vegetation succession at conifer forests in CR
Šmidrkalová, Monika ; Hadincová, Věroslava (advisor) ; Macek, Martin (referee)
In coniferous forests take place natural or human-made disturbance processes (wind, fire, pests, logging,…), which disrupt forest landscape. These processes are the main force driving the forest dynamics around the world. Damaged or destroyed sites in forest after disturbances immediately starts regeneration. Forest development on disturbed sites depends on various abiotic and biotic factors, which are: seed availability (seed sources, distance from clearing, disturbed site size, dispersal ability, surrounding vegetation effect), suitable stand (open site, climatic conditions of site, soil properties, site topography, presence of animals) and site history before disturbance. Idealized course of succession, take place in forests after disturbances, starts with ruderal annual species entrance and it is continued with herb perennials and shrubs followed by early-successional trees and late-successional trees. The most common method in research of succession is phytosociological sampling of different aged successional stages. Vegetation succession on disturbed sites in coniferous forests of the Czech Republic has not been described a lot so far and we also particularly miss studies researching a succession in the areas of pine forests with dominating Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Key words: forest,...

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