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Rating of posture, balance and movement stereotypes in patients with schizophrenia using selected procedures
Šejnostová, Eva ; Zahrádka Köhlerová, Michaela (advisor) ; Sládková, Petra (referee)
BACHELOR THESIS ABSTRACT Name, surname: Eva Šejnostová Supervisor: Mgr. Michaela Zahrádka Köhlerová Title of bachelor thesis: Rating of posture, balance and movement stereotypes in patients with schizophrenia using selected procedures Abstract: This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of schizophrenia and its influence on the musculoskeletal system. The aim of the thesis is to rate the posture, balance and movement stereotypes in patients with schizophrenia. The theoretical part contains a description of etiology, symptoms, the course, comorbidities of schizophrenia and subsequently its influence on the musculoskeletal system, posture and balance of patients. The practical part describes case reports containing the most important data from examination which was carried out using basic tests to evaluate standing posture, balance, movement stereotypes and other aspects of the musculoskeletal system. The practical part also includes examination of probands by means of the InBody instrument measuring body composition. In the discussion, the results are then compared with the data cointained in the literature. The results demonstrate that the disease affects negatively all observed aspects. Patients with schizophrenia have poor posture, they suffer from a balance disorder and their movement stereotypes are not...

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