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Comparison of european banks profitability
Šebor, Jan ; Dvořák, Petr (advisor) ; Tuček, Miroslav (referee)
The aim of this paper is to determine, whether the conclusions reached by some authors about the influence of the development of the financial system, bank size and taxation on bank profitability are also applicable to the European banking sector. This thesis is divided into 4 thematic parts. The first part tries to summarize the recent events that have had influence on the European banking sector as well as on the whole world and sum up their possible impact on bank profitability. A lot of attention is paid to the events of 2007 and 2008. The second and third subsection describes the basic theory, on which the thesis is build on. The balance and income statement is analysed in short as well. Further, an insight into the profitability ratios is given, because the comparison of these ratios is the centre of this paper. The forth, methodological, subsection and the fifth as well are focusing on the process contiguous our comparison. The data selection process and the influences on it are described in this section. The section also includes the fundamental base and hypotheses. The profitability comparison can be found in the next three subsections. The banks are not looked at as individual institutions, but there are concentrated into bigger units, based on country of residence and size. The last section deals with the influence of taxation on bank's profitability. The conclusion is dedicated to a summary of all the findings that were discovered during the previous sections.

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