National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Economic Analysis of the Sports Complex Pod Palackého vrchem in Brno
Šatníková, Zuzana ; Zouharová, Jitka (referee) ; Lepková, Hana (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis focuses on the overall analysis of multi-sports complex Pod Palackeho Vrchem that belongs to Brno University of Technology. Using analyzes of selected internal and external environment is considered the proper functioning of the complex. Another part of the thesis deals with this sports hall PPV and optimalize price lists of services. At the end recommendations are developed and also proposals for change.
The Economic Analysis of the Sports Complex Pod Palackého vrchem in Brno
Šatníková, Zuzana ; Zouharová, Jitka (referee) ; Lepková, Hana (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis focuses on the overall analysis of multi-sports complex Pod Palackeho Vrchem that belongs to Brno University of Technology. Using analyzes of selected internal and external environment is considered the proper functioning of the complex. Another part of the thesis deals with this sports hall PPV and optimalize price lists of services. At the end recommendations are developed and also proposals for change.
Proposal of Changes of Marketing Activities in a Selected Company Focused at Promoting Further Education Options
Šatníková, Zuzana ; Kroulík, Tomáš (referee) ; Kruntorádová, Markéta (advisor)
This Master’s thesis focuses on promoting of specialization Mechanic of plastic machinery at The Secondary Vocational School in Svitavy with the support of REHAU, s.r.o. in order to obtain more candidates for this specialization. Suggestions are made based on financial analysis and implemented marketing research. Changes of communication activities, improvements of product of school and modification of personnel information system for SVS Svitavy a company REHAU, s.r.o. are proposed.

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