National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Bridge over the Jevišovka river
Čípek, Luboš ; Pachl, Radek (referee) ; Panáček, Josef (advisor)
This thesis focuses on design and assessment of load-bearing construction of a bridge over Jevišovka river at road I/53 near Lechovice. The bridge was designed as a trapezoidal cross-section slab. This solution was chosen from three sketch eventualities. The work includes an implementing engineering report, construction process report and report about static-analysis, the attachments include the sketch, vizualization, drawings, component drawing, construction process and the static-analysis of this structure. Computing of internal forces was performed by computational software Scia Engineer 17.
Concrete basement structure of family house on the slope
Čípek, Luboš ; Bažant, Zdeněk (referee) ; Strnad, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis focuses on design and assessment of load-bearing elements of a cast-In-place basement of a family house in Vranov. The thesis also includes a report about static analysis and the implementing engineerig report, vizualization of implementing, structural design report and the drawings of formworks and reinforcement. The calculation of the internal forces on floor slab over the basement was performed by the Dlubal RFEM software.
Bridge over the Jevišovka river
Čípek, Luboš ; Pachl, Radek (referee) ; Panáček, Josef (advisor)
This thesis focuses on design and assessment of load-bearing construction of a bridge over Jevišovka river at road I/53 near Lechovice. The bridge was designed as a trapezoidal cross-section slab. This solution was chosen from three sketch eventualities. The work includes an implementing engineering report, construction process report and report about static-analysis, the attachments include the sketch, vizualization, drawings, component drawing, construction process and the static-analysis of this structure. Computing of internal forces was performed by computational software Scia Engineer 17.
Concrete basement structure of family house on the slope
Čípek, Luboš ; Bažant, Zdeněk (referee) ; Strnad, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis focuses on design and assessment of load-bearing elements of a cast-In-place basement of a family house in Vranov. The thesis also includes a report about static analysis and the implementing engineerig report, vizualization of implementing, structural design report and the drawings of formworks and reinforcement. The calculation of the internal forces on floor slab over the basement was performed by the Dlubal RFEM software.

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