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Elimination of the Risk of Recidivism of People Conditionally Released on Parole
Abstract The thesis titled - The possibility of eliminating the risk of recurrence of persons conditionally released from prison (the prison sentence) can illuminate current topic of criminal recidivism at a time whenmore and more discussion about prison overcrowding and the improvement of efficiency and alternative sanctions is debated in society. The theoretical part is divided into four chapters, in which I try to clarify the key issues. I explain different terms, mention the statistical data, I describe possible relapse prevention tools e.g. treatment programs or alternative sanctions. I refer to innovation tools of the criminal policy, e.g. Electronic monitoring or Probation Homes. I mention subjects dealing with prevention of criminal recidivism. The empirical part describes the research and it is divided into two chapters. To achieve its objective, I chose the strategy of qualitative research, an interrogation method and semi - structured interview technique. The first part was realized on a research sample of nine clients conditionally released from prison with a supervision of the probation officer. The second part of the research was conducted on a sample of eight probation officers from the Probation and Mediation Service (PMS) in the South Bohemia. The main goal was to map the instruments used in the context of prevention of recurrence of persons conditionally released from prison by probation officers. Results showed that the list of instruments is extremely diverse. Analysis of self - assessment, professional interview and assistance of the other organizations e.g. Labor office, police, NGOs or debt counseling are the most preferred ones. The first sub - objective was to findopinions of probation officers on implementing new instruments helping to reduce recidivism and to reveal their possible advantages and disadvantages of them. Results showed that electronic monitoring as a new tool is welcomed by probation officersand they are believed to increase efficiency of the home imprisonment sentence. The most of respondents identified the implementing of Probation Homes as useful, particularly in the area of strengthening the social functioning of the client. The second sub - objective was to describe differences in risk of recurrence from the perspective of persons conditionally released from prison to probation officers. The research results showed that probation officers and their clients have different points of view on the matter. The officers said their clients were not able to see "yourself", they had no lack of self - reflection and the ability to learn from the crime they had committed. People released from prison are the most feared of drug addictionand gambling or job loss. This thesis is supposed to bring insight into reducing the risk of recurrence issue and recently introduced tools in this field. Furthermore, to point out the difference in the view and riskassessment of recurrence between probation officers and their clients.
Rehabilitation and reintegration of people conditionally released from prison.
Abstract The extensive name of this thesisResocialization and Integration of Conditionally Released People from an Imprisonment means here monitoring of these people experience with getting job and potential employers willingness and causes which defend their admission to work. The theoretical part is divided into five chapters, where I try to clarify the important key words , describe a preparation for resocialization and integration in prison , deal with a status and opportunities of prisoners´ employment in the Czech Republic. I show the statistic as well as state organizations and NGOs care and help offers for conditionally released people. Finally I introduce some of reintegration and resocialization projects in the Czech Republic in conclusion of the theoretical part. The empirical part includes the research itself and it is divided into two parts. I performed the first one on the research sample of six conditionally released people under the probation supervision using qualitative research method, method of questioning and semi-standardized interview technique. Because of my interest of employers attitudes to former prisoners employment, I made the research with 20 employers from Prachatice region using the same methods and technique. The main goal of this research was to find former prisoners´ expectations dealing with getting job. The results showed, that these people expect assistance from family, friends, an labour office as well as from PMS or other organizations, e.g. NGOs. One of my research fractional aims was to find the expectations related to The Labour Office. The results showed nearly half of the respondents did not expect anything, however some of them expect the offer of retraining or vacancies. To find out willingness of employers to give a job to former prisoners was the goal of the second part of empirical research. The results of this research show that the vast majority of respondents would give a job to these people but only those positions, where the material responsibility is not required. This thesis shall provide insight into the problems of conditionally released people who try to find a job and integrate into society. On the other hand it shows potential employers and state or non-state organizations attitudes.

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