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Vliv ostropestřece mariánského (Silybum marianum) na stravitelnost živin u koní
Tomíšková, Lucie
The experiment was performed on horses in Našiměřice. The whole experiment took place in the period 2020-2021, and was divided into 7 periods, each lasting 28 days. A predetermined feed ration was fed throughout one period. Feed rations differed in the compositin in every period. Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) was fed to the horses in various forms. It was served in the form of milk thistle seedcake (as component of the granulated mixture), whole seeds and with/without the addition of a mineral premix and/or oil. The aim of the diploma thesis was to find diferences between varitions of milk thistle administration to horses affect the digestibility of crude fat, crude fiber, crude ash, crude protein, BNLV and digestible energy. Monitoring of the digestibility of flavonolignans was another aim of the thesis. The results were obtained from analyze determinig the nutrients in the individual components of feed ration and faeces. Statistically significant differences were found both in the digestibility of nutrients and in some flavonoligans. The highest average digestibility of crude ash was 58,92 ± 1,43%, crude protein 72,26 ± 0,62%, crude fat 65,40 ± 0,78%, crude fiber 73,73 ± 1,27% and nitrogen-free substances yield 84,06 ± 1,15%. Daily balance digestibility of silichristin was 2,39 mg/g, silybin A 1,09 mg/g and isosilybin A + B was digestibility 1,69 mg/g. From the results it could be concluded that the fedding of milk thistle positively affected the digestibility of nutrients.
Vliv neinvazivních metod na pohybový aparát koně
Tomíšková, Lucie
The title of the bachelor thesis is "The influence of non-invasive methods on the musculoskeletal system of a horse". It contains the basics of the anatomy of the forelegs and the pelvic, with a focus on the skeletal and muscular systems. Furthermore, two most common diseases that cause degenerative changes on the locomotive apparatus are presented and described in detail. For each disease, etiopathogenesis, symptoms and subsequent therapy are described. Both these diseases affect both horses in high sport and horses in recreation. The next part is devoted to the description of individual non-invasive treatment methods that have an influence on degenerative changes.
The war in Mexico and its possible solutions
Tomišková, Lucie ; Kochan, Jan (advisor) ; Žáková, Gabriela (referee)
For ten years, the Mexican government is fighting against the drug cartels. The beginnings of the drug war began in 2006 when Felipe Calderon officially declared war on organized crime in Mexico, also known as the war on drugs. The aim is to analyze the various actors involved in the drug conflict, determine their status and individual roles. The entire work is also meant to evaluate possible solutions, the positive and negative aspects and summarize final thoughts. The first part contains an introduction to the origins of the drugs and the implementation of the drug production in Mexico. Another chapter is devoted to the actors themselves: the Mexican government, drug cartels and the US. Emphasized is especially their role in the conflict and their development. The second half of the work deals with the drug war itself, about its progress and obstacles. The final chapter describes possible solutions through which the Mexican government could win the drug war.

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3 Tomišková, Lucie
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