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Vliv vybraných parametrů chovatelského prostředí na tučnost mléka holštýnských dojnic
Stoklas, Josef
The aim of this thesis was to find out what effect the selected breeding parameters have on the milk fat content of dairy cows. The experiment took place troughout the whole year (from November 2018 to November 2019). Observations were conducted once a month. A total of 160 dairy cows were evaulated and all of them were in the stable with loose litter boxes. Dairy cows were compared at the top and at the end of lactation. The basic life manifestations frequencies of dairy cows were evaluated. These life manifestations did not change during the lactation in the monitored groups. As far as life manifestations are concerned then monitored dairy cows were mostly lying (from 60 %) regardless of the lactation stage. When they were lying down they preferred left side of the body, the difference was 0,5 %. Significant differences were found in milk components of the milk. Significant difference was also in fatness, dairy cows at the top of lactation had 3,86 % of fat and dairy cows at the end of lactation had 4,56 % of fat. The difference was also in the seperated feed. At peak lactation on the upper sieve remained just 4,6 % and at the end remained 18,1 % of feed.
Vliv teploty prostředí na frekvenci životních projevů holštýnských dojnic během dne a noci
Stoklas, Josef
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to monitor the behavior of dairy cows during the day and night at different temperatures. For this purpose a set of 350 dairy cows were housed freely in cubicles with small use of litter. The experimental observations were conducted in December, May and August every 24 hours in hourly intervals. A total of 23, 393 scenarios were evaluated,where dairy cows either lied (12 228 cases), or stood (11 165 cases). If they were lying, they were in the boxes (12 043 cases), if they were upright, they were mostly in the fodder (4 857 cases), less of the standing cows were in the dung corridor (3 022 caes), even less in the boxes (1 912 cases) and the fewest were in the feeder. We found out the behavior of dairy cows was influenced by the temperature and whether the observations were conducted during the day or night. More dairy cows stood than lay during the day. The opposite was noted overnight. The number of standing dairy cows increases with the temperature, except for those lying in the boxes, especially in the highest temperature range. The maximum average temperature of the CCI indech was 88, 46% (during the day 86,54% and night 90,44%) at the SUI index it was 65,43% (during the day 61,35 % and night 69,30%).

See also: similar author names
5 Stoklas, Jan
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