National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Amphibian habitat preferences in selected localities after mining moldavites.
NĚMEC, Stanislav
This thesis pursues amphibian biotop preferences in locations where moldavites were quarried in the past. Field work took place in two localities near Trhové Sviny. The first one is situated near the village of Slavče where an illegal extraction still occures,.The second locality is found by the village of Dobrkovská Lhotka. This locality was partially recultivated in 2010. The aim of this work was to establish which factors do influence different amphibian species in the both studied locations. There were found five various species of amphibians near the village of Slavče: the Common frog (Rana temporaria), the Edible frog (Pelophylax kl. esculentus), the European fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina), the European tree frog (Hyla arborea) and the Common toad (Bufo bufo). The results were statistically evaluated. Based on them it was established that the Common frog prefers the herb layer, the European Fire-bellied toad prefers semi shaded medium sized pools that do not dry up. The European tree frog and the Edible frog prefer large areas of pools and ponds. More over the edible frog demands ponds that are partially overgrown. The Common toad was represented only with one single individual. Therefore a statistical analasys could not be executed. The whole locality is negatively influenced by local inhabitants who gather here manure and organic waste from their gardens. On locality located near to Dobrkovská Lhotka was transformed from a mining landscape to a pond and three pools. All amphibian species that lived in the locality before reclamation were still present here. Occurrence of Common spadefoot (Pelobates fuscus) was confirmed by the unique finding of a tadpole. Statistical evaluation was not conducted due to the small number and variability of monitored sites.
The occurrence and biotope preferences of amphibians in former military area near České Budějovice.
NĚMEC, Stanislav
Submitted bachelor thesis deals with biotope preferences of amphibians. Experimental part of my work was carried out at former military tank ground near České Budějovice from March until June 2010. Biotope preferences were examined at these species: European Fire-bellied Toad, European tree frog, Agile Frog and Common toad. Since the end of military activity in 1990, there has been growing ecological succession which influences each of the species. The aim of my work was to find out what factors have influence on particular species and compare the outcomes with those of previous works carried out between 1995 and 2008. The observation was pursued during the daytime, above all at night, when frogs are most active. The outcomes has been statistically evaluated and it was found out that great pond surfaces are the most suitable for European tree frog and Common toad, whereas European Fire-bellied Toad and Agile Frog do not mind gradual growth of vegetation, moreover it suits them. The data from 1995 indicate appearance of European tree frog also in pools. My outcomes from 2010 confirmed their appearance only in ponds. On the contrary, Agile Frog has been seen here recently only seldom, in 2010 together with European Fire-bellied Toad it was the most common species. Common toad was the most precious species in the examined habitat. It was found only a few specimens. Appearance of Common toad was registered in ponds in 1995 but this was not confirmed in 2010.

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4 Nemec, Šimon
1 Nemec, Štěpán
4 Němec, Stanislav
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