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PCR Primer optimisation for amplification and sequencing PKD2 exons
KOZÁK, Kristián
The dominant type of the kidney polycystic disease affects a wide age spectrum and it represents certain limitations or complications for the patients, whether it concearns a finding of cysts in the organs, or up to renal insufficiency. After the familiarization of the characteristics, progress, diagnosies and therapy, I suggested new primers bounding the sections of the different exons of the PKD2 gene. I tested the new primers, as well as optimalized the temperatures of annealing of the primers by the gradient PCR. I then sent the amplified sections to sequencing and verified their identity. I managed to optimalize the primers for the amplification and further sequencing of the four exons of the PKD2 gene. One of these exons is also the exon 2, in which we can find the casual mutation which causes the autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease ran in family, from which I gathered the samples for my research.

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