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Employees requiring special needs
The employment of the university graduates appears nowadays as quite problematic. This statement is supported by categorizing of the graduates to the one of the risky groups on the labour market and also by the fact that the number of unemployed graduates has been increasing in the past several years. Another factors which can play a role, are growing number of university graduates, changing expectations from the labour market and the ability of the society to react to these transformations. The goal of this bachelor thesis was to map the situation of the female university graduates, who are in the beginning stage of their professional path. For this reason I chose the company ALFUN a.s., where I did my research. My focus were female university graduates, who are working for this company and have recently started their career. The thesis is divided into the two main parts - theoretical one and practical one. In the theoretical part there is a literature review, which serves for the better understanding of the topic. Also, the most important terminology is explained there. The main chapters of this part are: University graduates, Career, Discrimination, and also the Equal opportunities of men and women, as I have focused on female university graduates in my thesis. From the practical point of view the survey which was done in the frame of my bachelor thesis could serve mainly to the two subjects. First of them could be the group of graduates who participated on the research - answering the questions from the questionnaire can be an impulse for their self-reflexion and evaluation of the sufficiency of their preparation for their job, which they had chosen. The other subject which might profit from the thesis is the selected company, for which the survey results could represent a specific assessment of the state of their functioning from the point of view of their employees. Furthermore, the company should reflect the possibility of integration of the suggested improvements for advancing the situation concerning the graduates.

See also: similar author names
1 Kantorová, Katarzyna
2 Kantorová, Kateřina
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