National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Principles of formation of urban greenery as a part of urban interior
Hrubanová, Denisa ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Havliš, Karel (referee) ; Prof.Ing.Ivar Otruba,CSc. (referee) ; Wittmann, Maxmilian (advisor)
Urban interior environment mostly serves as a place for various meetings and social events. Thus, these spaces come alive thanks to people, who give them reason and meaning. However, the question is what role urban interior has in the present day, which, at the beginning of the new millennium, is characterized by a high degree of individualism. Within the deurbanization tendencies, buildings and adjoining areas in central parts of cities are often abandoned and the activities move to the periphery. If we want to return the social function to the urban interior, as a place of pleasant encounters and relationships, we need to approach its formation with respect to current trends in the development of human society. From the perspective of sustainable development, it is also necessary not to extend the boundaries of urbanized area to adjacent landscape, while abandoning the central locations in cities, but to maintain their intensive character. From this point of view, it is necessary to realize, that it is the greenery that gives the city an opportunity to perceive public spaces as an integral part of urban life and not just as places that people walk through having no reason to stay longer than necessary. Application of greenery in urban interior provides many positive features to the city. Greenery is an added value that can also operate independently as a functional unit that links the other functions of the urban organism. Both in its solitary form and in line or area applications. Along with water elements, urban furniture, various hard surfaces and landscaping, greenery creates a pleasant and interesting living environment in the city that can be desirable and sought-after again.
The woody plants in the public city space
Markevičová, Vendula ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Babka, Václav (referee) ; Hrubanová, Denisa (referee) ; Havliš, Karel (advisor)
This tesis are about the mutual relation between the woody plants and the city public space, more precisely between the architectural composition and its elements. Woody plants, particulalry the trees,are under the same aesthetical rules as all the other elements of the public space, but at the same time are the living organisms, that are under the rules of nature. The thesis present five thematic groups of information, thats are necessary to know for the design of the woody plants in the city public space. On the base of this information the thesis review the streets and the squares of the city Brno and prove no contradiction between the aesthetical rules and the rules of nature. Contrarily, they support each other. It proves, that the high quality city space with the woody plants, is possible to create only with the knowledge of the both rules and their aplications.
The woody plants in the public city space
Markevičová, Vendula ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Babka, Václav (referee) ; Hrubanová, Denisa (referee) ; Havliš, Karel (advisor)
This tesis are about the mutual relation between the woody plants and the city public space, more precisely between the architectural composition and its elements. Woody plants, particulalry the trees,are under the same aesthetical rules as all the other elements of the public space, but at the same time are the living organisms, that are under the rules of nature. The thesis present five thematic groups of information, thats are necessary to know for the design of the woody plants in the city public space. On the base of this information the thesis review the streets and the squares of the city Brno and prove no contradiction between the aesthetical rules and the rules of nature. Contrarily, they support each other. It proves, that the high quality city space with the woody plants, is possible to create only with the knowledge of the both rules and their aplications.
Formování zeleně v interiéru městského prostředí
Hrubanová, Denisa
Městský interiér je chápán jako volný, nezastavěný, obvykle veřejný prostor – ulice, náměstí, nábřeží, pasáže. Tento veřejný prostor je dále vymezen architekturou, terénními úpravami a v neposlední řadě zelení. Obvykle je situován zejména v centrech – historických jádrech, sektorových a čtvrťových centrech. Tento prostor pak slouží jako místo, kde se odehrávají různá setkávání a společenské události. Veřejné prostory tak ožívají díky lidem, kteří dávají těmto prostorům opodstatnění a smysl. Z tohoto pohledu zůstává ovšem otázkou, jakou úlohu zaujímají veřejné prostory v současné době, která je charakterizovaná velkou mírou individualismu. Chceme-li vrátit městskému interiéru jeho společenskou funkci, jako místa střetávání a příjemných mezilidských vztahů, musíme na jeho utváření nahlížet z pohledu současných tendencí rozvoje lidské společnosti. Zároveň je také třeba si uvědomit, že je to právě zeleň, která dává městu příležitost, aby byly veřejné prostory vnímány jako plnohodnotná součást městského života. Aby tyto prostory nebyly jen místy, kterými jejich obyvatelé pouze procházejí a nemají důvod se v nich zdržovat, déle než je nezbytně nutné.
Zeleň městského interiéru
Hrubanová, Denisa
Městský interiér zaujímá v urbánním prostředí velmi důležitou pozici. Veřejná prostranství center bývají často prvními místy, které lidé navštíví a tedy i místy jejich prvních dojmů. Upravenost a čistota městského interiéru tak reprezentuje celé město.
Městská dopravní tepna souběžně parkem
Hrubanová, Denisa
Doprava? nebo Park? Zapotřebí je obojí. Zajímavým fenoménem současné doby se stává skloubení obou těchto městotvorných prvků v jednom místě. V některých městech tak vznikají nové městské parky či veřejné prostory v úseku zanoření rušné dopravní tepny do podzemních tunelů. Paralelně tak fungují oba tyto prvky nezávisle na sobě – nebo spíše nad sebou?
Extenzivní výsadby z pohledu udržitelného rozvoje měst
Hrubanová, Denisa
From the perspective development of contemporary urban environment is needed to shape the environment in accordance with the principles of sustainable development that respects and creates natural conditions for life and for the next generation. To this development usefully contributes extensive forms of planting greenery that are applied in the public space of urban interior. In this case it means the use of specific living conditions that the area provides. By choosing the natural planting is possible to create a sustainable environment without major costs and demands for future maintenance. Natural systems are ability to show a much greater self-regulation and therefore to some extent, they are resistant to any negative changes in the external environment.
Principles of formation of urban greenery as a part of urban interior
Hrubanová, Denisa ; Kyselka, Mojmír (referee) ; Havliš, Karel (referee) ; Prof.Ing.Ivar Otruba,CSc. (referee) ; Wittmann, Maxmilian (advisor)
Urban interior environment mostly serves as a place for various meetings and social events. Thus, these spaces come alive thanks to people, who give them reason and meaning. However, the question is what role urban interior has in the present day, which, at the beginning of the new millennium, is characterized by a high degree of individualism. Within the deurbanization tendencies, buildings and adjoining areas in central parts of cities are often abandoned and the activities move to the periphery. If we want to return the social function to the urban interior, as a place of pleasant encounters and relationships, we need to approach its formation with respect to current trends in the development of human society. From the perspective of sustainable development, it is also necessary not to extend the boundaries of urbanized area to adjacent landscape, while abandoning the central locations in cities, but to maintain their intensive character. From this point of view, it is necessary to realize, that it is the greenery that gives the city an opportunity to perceive public spaces as an integral part of urban life and not just as places that people walk through having no reason to stay longer than necessary. Application of greenery in urban interior provides many positive features to the city. Greenery is an added value that can also operate independently as a functional unit that links the other functions of the urban organism. Both in its solitary form and in line or area applications. Along with water elements, urban furniture, various hard surfaces and landscaping, greenery creates a pleasant and interesting living environment in the city that can be desirable and sought-after again.

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1 Hrubanová, Daniela
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