National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Risk behaviors of high school youth in relation to punk subculture
The bachelor thesis is focused on possible risk factors in the behavior of older adolescents who feel to be members of the punk subculture. The theoretical basis for the research is the specifics of the developmental period and changes in the physical, mental and social levels. Furthermore, the concepts of risk behavior, youth subculture and punk are described in individual chapters. The research part contains data obtained through the methodology of qualitative research, specifically by the semi-structured interviews and participant observation. The results of the research are written in individual case studies and final summary.
Boccia as an effective way to increase the quality of life of persons with severe disabilities(?)
Bachelor thesis "Boccia as an effective way to improve the quality of life of people with severe physical disabilities?" Discusses the possibility of positive impacts on the quality of life of individuals especially with severe disabilities through active participation in the game called "Boccia". Boccia is a game designed for people with severe physical or combined disabilities, in which special equipment is used in order to allow disabled people with arduous opportunities for participation in other sports because of severe disability to play in an independent way. In the Czech Republic, thanks to good playing conditions, an offshoot called "Integrated boccia", abbreviated "iBoccia" has been developed, which is based on the simplified rules allowing the practicing of the classical Boccia basically to anyone. The level or the type of disability does not play a significant role (except for visual impairment) because the special equipment reduces major differences caused by disability, and so the game can also be played by people without disabilities. In the game 3-6-membered teams participate, it is therefore a collective sport. The integrated Boccia may provide an opportunity for self-realisation based on physical activity and enables to establish or enhance social relationships, which appear to be a suitable mean of improving the quality of life of people with severe physical disabilities. The aim of this thesis is to determine whether and how integrated Boccia influences subjectively perceived quality of life of selected players with disabilities involved in students project "Boccia heading south" implemented in the Czech Budejovice. In order to achieve the targets of the research part a qualitative research was used, specifically the design of case studies. The opening chapter is devoted to the definition and characteristics of basic terms like disability, severe and physical, and classification of defects. Here is indicated working definition of severe disability, it is "a particularly severe form of disability, when a person is largely limited in his physical abilities due to damage support or the musculoskeletal system, or other physical damage, therefore, becomes dependent on the assistance of another person."(Gruber, Lendl, 1992 in Pipeková, 2006, p 168; Fröhlich, 1994, p 44 in Pipeková, 2006, pp. 329, MPSV.CZ: Zdravotní postižení. [online]. [cit. 2013-08-13]. Dostupné z: The fifth part is consists of qualitative research, whose outputs consist three case studies. By the addressed respondents are players of integrated boccia from South Bohemia involvement in the project "Boccia heading south." These are two women of age 54 and 27 years and men of age 22 years. Dates required to process the case studies was obtained by interviews and participating observation. For each of the surveyed players iBoccia performs a different function and takes the different positions in the ranking of importance in the life of the respondents. For the respondent I. iBoccia means for example self-fulfillment, respondent II. iBoccii perceive like more free time to improvement of rehabilitation function, while for the respondent III. It brings the possibility of self-fulfillment and a sense of "necessity". The research results have brought confirmation that integrated Boccia has a positive effect on the quality of life of these respondents with severe physical disabilities, providing them the possibility self-realization, takes the social and rehabilitative function. These results are however applicable only as an individual, depending on many factors related to medical diagnosis, human personality, current psychological or physical condition, self-discipline and financial situation. It also depends on the organizers and employees of facilities how bring the game.

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