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Laboratory task of the wireless alarm burglar system
Pokludová, Michaela ; Pust, Radim (referee) ; Burda, Karel (advisor)
The goal of the bachelor thesis is to describe the principials and the technical solutions of the basic contemporary wireless systems, which are later used during the work with panel through the laboratory task. The output of this thesis is the assignment of the laboratory task EZS for the magister scholars of VUT FEKT with the 90 minute duration. The proposed assignment consist of the desribtion of wiring and EZS panel handling. Each step of the desing of the assignment is described and practically verified.
Support software for projection of burglar alarm systems
Fikejs, Jan ; Pust, Radim (referee) ; Burda, Karel (advisor)
This graduation thesis deals with a software design of burglar alarm. The software has been developed in compliance with the applicable standards and regulations governing burglar alarm designs and on the basis of practical experience with designing and implementing electronic security systems. The software is written in C# and uses .NET platform. On the ground of that, this software can be run on any computer with the Windows operation system. Any ground plan picture file can be used as the underlying project map on which all the object security system can be built. It makes it possible to produce both wire and wireless electronic security systems. The software includes an editable database of components and conductors used in the electronic security alarms. The database components can be created, edited and deleted through the software. The database has been saved in format XML. The software also includes a folder of picture files containing photographs of the components and schematic symbols used in the software. You use a mouse to drag and drop individual components into the ground plan picture, where they are well arranged in a tree structure. The components can be interconnected by a conductor, which enables creation of a precise design of the electronic security system of the object. The software output includes drawings, bills of material and pricing. As for the space components, you can graphically display their range and thus visually confirm the design. The software includes automatic design verification. There, you can verify whether the right components have been used and whether the designed conductor lengths are acceptable, whether they correspond with the system load, and whether the voltage drops on the conductors do not exceed the permitted limit. The software has been developed for all electronic security system designers and for engineers attending to these problems.
Tunneling and Cryptographic protocols as a privacy protection on regulated internet
Čížek, Michal ; Pust, Radim (referee) ; Burda, Karel (advisor)
This thesis is about internet regulations and usage of tunneling protocols as a privacy protection on regulated internet. The thesis includes detailed description of most widely used tunneling protocols focused on their usage in regulated networks. The produce the teoretical part of the thesis is synoptical comparative table including benefits and disadvantages of each protocol and examples of suitable usage. The practical part presents the tunneling protocols in three different scenarios which are very frequent in practice. Each scenario has been realized, the communication has been captured using Wireshark network protocol analyzer and also the analysis of potential risks has been done for the event that the communication would be captured by a third party - the regulator.
Module of electronic security central with Ethernet communicator
Strašil, Ivo ; Pust, Radim (referee) ; Burda, Karel (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with a design of a burglar alarm control panel, equipped with an Ethernet interface. The thesis contains a discusson of present solutions of control panels and of present usage of Ethernet communication. An idea of sensors, directly connected to LAN, was discarded on basis of a component price survey. Finally, a new concept of the panel has been chosen. This concept allows a free definition of internal logic using a C-like scripting and provides a possibility to create a network of these panels in a LAN network, using a software-only supervising main control panel. A new control panel following this concept was designed and succesfully tested.
Module of electronic security central with GSM communicator
Dokulil, Zdeněk ; Pust, Radim (referee) ; Burda, Karel (advisor)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to design and manufacture a small modular burglar alarm control panel with an emphasis on GSM communication functions. The first part of the thesis discusses history of control panels from the first attempts to present technologies. Also a classification of wired and wireless systems is defined. The second part contains an general proposal of the GSM-enabled panel design and description of the circuit. SIM 300C module has been chosen as a GSM terminal device. The final part contains description of key parts of the firmware and a detailed manual for end users. The proposed design has been realized and succesfully tested.
Elimination of nanoplastics by cavitation and advanced oxidation processes
Kluknavská, Júlia ; Burda, Radim (referee) ; Rudolf, Pavel (advisor)
Táto práca sa zaoberá znečistením životného prostredia mikro a nanoplastami a ich možnou likvidáciou. Práca pozostáva z rešeršnej a experimentálnej časti. V rámci rešerše je opísaná problematika mikro a nanoplatov z hľadiska ich vzniku, disperzie do životného prostredia a živých organizmov. V závere rešeršnej časti sú opísané súčasné možnosti eliminácie mikro a nanoplastov pri čistení odpadových vôd. Súčasné riešenia sú založené prevažne na filtrácii, ktorá však zo svojej podstaty nemôže byť absolútna. Bol vyslovený predpoklad, že pomocou zariadenia CaviPlasma by bolo možné eliminovať mikro a nanoplasty z odpadových vôd. Cieľom práce bolo experimentálne overiť tento predpoklad. Skúšobnou vzorkou bola suspenzia vody a polyamidových častíc, ktorá bola následne vystavená pôsobeniu kavitácie a plazmového výboja. Pri experimente nedošlo ku zničeniu častíc a ani ich k viditeľnému porušeniu. Ukázalo sa však, že plazmový výboj môže iniciovať zhlukovanie sa častíc až do takej miery, že sú pozorovateľné kontinuálne štruktúry mikroplastov. Tento jav by mohol byť potenciálne prospešný pri zachytávaní mikročastíc filtráciou.
Simulator of stations with frequency hopping and collision avoidance
Akkizová, Dinara ; Pust, Radim (referee) ; Burda, Karel (advisor)
The master's thesis aims to introduce and study the issue of frequency hopping with collsion avoidance (FH/CA). On this basis, design a computer program for simulating the operation of a radio systém FHCA, who works in the band used by other systems FH/CA . This simulation programm using MATLAB software to implement verify the correctness of programs. Use simulator to obtain date about the intensity of interference systems FH/CA for the chosen scenario. This work consists of five parts: the first part consists of describing the queuing system, the second part of the description of the radio frequency system with collision avoidence FH / CA, the third part of the description of the simulation model. The fourth part includes verification of the model in the fifth and last section inspects results are shown.
Study of in-take vortices
Burda, Radim ; Štigler, Jaroslav (referee) ; Hudec, Martin (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with vortex flow, in particular intake-vortices formations with emphasis on intake-vortices with full air core which appear near vertical intakes. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part contains theoretical research on the intake-vortices and maps development of this field during the last 60 years. The goal of the experimental part is to verify recommended dependence of the formation of intake-vortices with full air core on submerge of intake and volumetric flow rate. The experiment was conducted in the laboratory of the fluid engineering department of Viktor Kaplan.
Design of user authentication for small and medium networks
Hajný, Jan ; Pust, Radim (referee) ; Burda, Karel (advisor)
The main focus of this Master’s thesis is user authentication and access control in a computer network. I analyze the TCP/IP model in connection with security and describe main stepping stones of authentication protocols (mainly hash functions). The authentication protocol analysis follows. I begin with LANMAN protocol analysis for the reason of a security comparison. The NTLM, Kerberos and Radius follows. The focus is on the Kerberos which is chosen as a main authentication protocol. This is also a reason why the modification used in MS domains is described. The implementation and functional verification is placed in the second part which is more practical. The virtualization technology is used for an easier manipulation. The result is a computer network model requiring user authentication and minimizing the possibility of an attack by unauthorized clients.
Algorithms for adaptive frequency hopping spread spectrum systems
Zunt, Tomáš ; Burda, Karel (referee) ; Pust, Radim (advisor)
This master's thesis deal the system, which use the Frequency Hopping (FH). Is explained principle those techniques and her benefits and disadvantages. Follows description techniques Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH) that used the Bluetooth. Follows description other method for setup hopset such as Dynamic Frequency Hopping (DFH), which used standards 802.22. 22. Is an emerging standard for Wireless Regional Area Networks (WRAN) operating on a license-exempt and non-interference basis in the spectrum allocated to TV broadcast services (between 47–910 MHz). Other method introduces the Adaptive Frequency Rolling (AFR), a particular instance of frequency hopping (FH) that enables the collocated WPANs to cooperate and avoid the self-interference. The AFR uses as input solely the observed packet error rate (PER) and it does not require any exchange of information among the collocated WPANs. The effect of the FR over a longer time interval is that the WPANs use the complete set of disposable channels in an implicit time-division and cooperative manner. Last method described in this Thesis is Dynamic Adaptive Frequency Hopping (DAFH). The basic strategy applied in DAFH is a binary search for a hopset that offers smaller PER. The set of admissible hopsets depends on the total number of available channels and the maximal level of binary divisions. Practical part of the master's thesis describes proposal model AFH, with usage of Matlab Simulink programme. In thesis are described function each blocks a their setting. Simulation parameters can change in simple graphic interface. The model is able to simulate influence of static and dynamic interference in transmission band of two communicating devices.

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