Manipulation of Sports Competitions in the Context of International Law
Woska, Jan ; Balaš, Vladimír (advisor) ; Hamerník, Pavel (referee)
Manipulation of Sports Competitions in the Context of International Law The main goal of this thesis is to examine the manipulation of sports competitions in the context of international law. Albeit the manipulation of sports has a long history, it has seen dramatic growth and globalization over the last twenty years. It is so for several reasons connected mainly with the ever-growing commercialization of sports and the boom in sports betting. In recent years, sports betting has changed the perception of the manipulation of sports competitions as being an internal matter in sports. The massive entry of global betting syndicates and fixers into the field has clearly demonstrated that sports manipulation cannot be effectively tackled on the level of individual countries without international coordination. Such coordination is now made possible thanks to a unique international-law instrument tailored to tackle manipulation of sports competitions - the Council of Europe Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions. After introducing the complexity of sports manipulation and its international-law dimension, the thesis examines individual parts of the convention, and its contribution to strengthening sports integrity and international cooperation. At the end, the thesis focuses on describing the...
Manipulation with the course or with the result of sports competitions and its criminal law assessment
Woska, Jan ; Vokoun, Rudolf (advisor) ; Bohuslav, Lukáš (referee)
Manipulation with the course or with the result of sports competitions and its criminal law assessment Presented thesis is concerned with the issue of manipulation of sports competitions. It's pivotal task is to evaluate whether current criminal law legislation provides effective provisions for the prosecution of those who manipulate with the course or with the final outcome of sports events. Although this negative phenomenon is not utterly new, in fact some of its forms are almost as old as the sport itself, in recent years the severity of this threat has grown rapidly. Modern era has opened up a wide range of brand new possibilities for fixers while sports associations and states were simply unprepared for such peril. Especially betting-motivated manipulation of sports competitions, thanks to its global nature and involvement of betting criminal organizations poses a serious challenge for law enforcement agencies. Furthermore, throughout the thesis the author puts forward an examples demonstrating the permanent presence of another elemental form of manipulation in sports environment - the one which is motivated by achieving of sports results. Although forms of manipulation in sport may differ, what they have in common is that usually all of them represents the threat not only to the integrity of...
Manipulation with the course or with the result of sports competitions and its criminal law assessment
Woska, Jan ; Vokoun, Rudolf (advisor) ; Bohuslav, Lukáš (referee)
Manipulation with the course or with the result of sports competitions and its criminal law assessment Presented thesis is concerned with the issue of manipulation of sports competitions. It's pivotal task is to evaluate whether current criminal law legislation provides effective provisions for the prosecution of those who manipulate with the course or with the final outcome of sports events. Although this negative phenomenon is not utterly new, in fact some of its forms are almost as old as the sport itself, in recent years the severity of this threat has grown rapidly. Modern era has opened up a wide range of brand new possibilities for fixers while sports associations and states were simply unprepared for such peril. Especially betting-motivated manipulation of sports competitions, thanks to its global nature and involvement of betting criminal organizations poses a serious challenge for law enforcement agencies. Furthermore, throughout the thesis the author puts forward an examples demonstrating the permanent presence of another elemental form of manipulation in sports environment - the one which is motivated by achieving of sports results. Although forms of manipulation in sport may differ, what they have in common is that usually all of them represents the threat not only to the integrity of...