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Appreciation of an investment in housing
Slabík, Michal ; Vaňková, Lucie (referee) ; Kocourková, Gabriela (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the economic evaluation of an investment in housing. The thesis describes the technical condition of the property and the proposal for its subsequent reconstruction for the purpose of rental housing. Furthermore, the market value of the property before and after reconstruction is determined using the comparative method. In the next step, the reconstruction costs and the possibility of drawing on the NZU's energy-saving housing subsidy were determined. The economic evaluation is then carried out for two baseline situations in two variants. The first situation is from the point of view of an investor who wants to invest his funds in a property. The second situation is from the perspective of the person who has inherited the property. These situations are then assessed in the variant of immediate sale after renovation, where it is examined whether the increase in the market value of the property caused by the renovation exceeded the costs incurred. The second option considered is a long-term lease with subsequent sale of the property, where the net present value (NPV) is the evaluation factor.

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