Ontology of Interaction
Machová, Světlana ; Semrádová, Ilona (advisor) ; Kalábová, Helena (referee) ; Hogenová, Anna (referee)
In this dissertation we propose a novel ontological point of view representing inner dimension of being and its interaction based on the phenomenology, quantum physics, psychoanalytic methodology and cognitive metaphor theories. Empirical findings about the phenomenology of interaction, gained from the associative experiment, open a new dimension of scientific research and interreligious discussion. Comprehension system of inner semantics leads us to a deeper understanding of the world of being. Essential Self interaction. described by cognitive metaphor and allows us identification of universal structure hidden beyond the language. Acquired linguistic data suggest that mind's metaphoric self-reflection semantics closely correlate with a concept of entangled quantum particles and light binding phenomena. This theory gave us a unique opportunity to visualize the probabilistic picture of mind itself within an interdisciplinary approach of cognitive and philosophical studies. In this work, we combine theory of physics and philosophy of language. Language, as a bridge between the two worlds: quantum and material, offers us the possibility of insight into inner reality and approach our awareness of being in a clear and undistorted form. Speech as a speech of being is woven into the context of...
Ontology of Interaction
Machová, Světlana ; Semrádová, Ilona (advisor) ; Hogenová, Anna (referee) ; Vogel, Jiří (referee)
In this dissertation we propose a novel ontological point of view representing inner dimension of being and its interaction based on the phenomenology, quantum physics, psychoanalytic methodology and cognitive metaphor theories. Empirical findings about the phenomenology of interaction, gained from the natural language, open a new dimension of scientific research and interreligious discussion. Comprehension system of inner semantics leads us to a deeper understanding of the world of being. Essential Self interaction. described by cognitive metaphor and allows us identification of universal structure hidden beyond the language. Acquired linguistic data suggest that mind's metaphoric self-reflection semantics closely correlate with a concept of entangled quantum particles and light binding phenomena. This theory gave us a unique opportunity to visualize the probabilistic picture of mind itself within an interdisciplinary approach of cognitive and philosophical studies. KEYWORDS ontology, interaction, semantics, cognitive, metaphor, light, quantum, mind, spirit, being,
Iterrelations between Questions and Answers in Political Interview
Svátová, Dana ; Machová, Světlana (advisor) ; Chejnová, Pavla (referee)
The object of my dissertation called Interrelations between question and answer in political interview is to make broad pragmatic analysis of dialogic texts printed in reputable daily press. This analysis is based on 43 interviews published in the Czech dailies "Právo" and "Lidové noviny". The dissertation deals, in the above mentioned sort of interview, in more detail with an issue of publicistic replicas and their influence on replicas of an informant. It is concerned with large number of certain questions (publicistic replicas are divided into replicas with declaratory question, complementary question, statement of interviewer with assumed answer of informant and reaction of journalist to replica of informant), then studies especially interview from strategy point of view used by journalist (manipulating particularly) and tactical strategies of informants (these are divided into defensive, offensive and manipulating). The dissertation also deals with relation of an interview to objectivity - the information one as well as journalistic. This kind of objectivity is mostly kept in interview. At the conclusion there is included the project with a published political interview at high school, actually public school, which can be realized during some special seminary or as supplementary learning to subject...