National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Průzkum sortimentu perspektivních druhů skalniček
Ambrožová, Klára
This Bachelor's thesis was elaborated on the Department of Breeding and Propagation of Horticultural Plants on the Faculty of Horticulture of Mendel University in Brno. The thesis is focused on the characteristic description of alpine plants including growing, geographic expansion, cultivation and reproduction. The main attention is devoted to an overview 110 of promising species and their cultivars that are the most cultivated in the Czech Republic. The thesis includes own experience with the cultivation and sale of alpine plants in the company Kinský Žďár, a. s., and Květiny Veselská. The basic characteristics are, for clarity of species sorted in tables in the annexes, including important varieties. The annex includes 61 major genera and 110 species of plants, including their characteristics.
Zakořeňování řízků dřevin v paperpotech a sadbovačích
Ambrožová, Klára
This thesis was written up at the Department of Breeding and Propagation of Horticultural Plants under Faculty of Horticulture Mendel University in Lednice. The thesis deals with rooting of woody species of chosen kinds of Ornamental wood. The experiment was performed for Berberis thunbergii ´Rose Glow´ and for Syringa meyeri ´Palibin´ in two terms (16.6.2016 and 1.8.2016) and in four variants. The fourth variant was for control only.

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