National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
The relationship between substantia nigra echogenicity and speech and voice disorders
Adamkovičová, Lenka ; Novotný, Kryštof (referee) ; Mekyska, Jiří (advisor)
Transcranial sonography is a quick, simple and noninvasive examination method that allows to capture the loss of Substantia nigra in the brain. This loss is associated with the development of Lewy body disorders, and a confirmed correlation between Substantia nigra loss and development of dementia with Lewy bodies would allow for more accurate diagnosis of the disease. This thesis aims to investigate the accuracy of automated classification of individuals using a machine learning model, both according to their diagnosis of early DLB and also according to the size of Substantia nigra loss based on TCS examination. Automated acoustic analysis was applied to calculate speech and language parameters, those were statistically processed and then used to train a machine learning model. In a comparison of two binary classification problems it was found, that the model stratified by the size of Substantia nigra loss achieved lower accuracy than the model stratified by a diagnosis to healthy controls and persons with early-stage dementia with Lewy bodies. In addition, no correlation between SN hyperechogenicity and severity of DLB was confirmed.
Analysis of the perception of chords in a space with different reverberations
Adamkovičová, Lenka ; Musil, Jaroslav (referee) ; Jirásek, Ondřej (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis is dealing with an analysis of subjective perception of chords in spaces with different reverberation parameters. An algorithmic reverb with 5 different settings of parameters was used on 32 chords or intervals created by either additive synthesis or from sampled real instruments. The modified sounds were then judged on 5 different bipolar scales by 100 respondents in a listening test. The goal of this work was to find the influence of reverbs with different parameters on perception of dissonance, pleasantness, roughness, and timbre of individual chords. Survey results were then plotted in graphs, in which they were compared to each other.
Analysis of the perception of chords in a space with different reverberations
Adamkovičová, Lenka ; Musil, Jaroslav (referee) ; Jirásek, Ondřej (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis is dealing with an analysis of subjective perception of chords in spaces with different reverberation parameters. An algorithmic reverb with 5 different settings of parameters was used on 32 chords or intervals created by either additive synthesis or from sampled real instruments. The modified sounds were then judged on 5 different bipolar scales by 100 respondents in a listening test. The goal of this work was to find the influence of reverbs with different parameters on perception of dissonance, pleasantness, roughness, and timbre of individual chords. Survey results were then plotted in graphs, in which they were compared to each other.

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