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Informovanost obyvatelstva okresu České Budějovice o bodech zájmu a způsobech komunikace při tísňovém volání
TICHÁ, Denisa
The aim of bachelor thesis was to assess knowledge of Budweis district inhabitants of points of interest and rules of communication during emergency call. Teoretical part of thesis deals with issues of points of interest and emergency calls and its legal standards. In the introduction the attention is paid to operative and informational centre. Law no. 239/2000 coll. about integrated rescue system and about change of some regulations concerns its obligation and permission and deals with united system of warning and notification. Next is described different function of united european number of emergency call 112 in the Czech Republic and other European countries. The teoretical part continues with describtion of points of interest used in emergency call system of the emergency number 112 and 150, and is ended by emergency call issues. There is described how to communicate from dispatcher´s or celer point of view, which complications can set in or which rules should be observed. The aim of practical part of thesis was to answer formulated research question no. 1 "How are Budweis inhabitants informed about point sof interest?" and no. 2 "How are Budweis inhabitants informed about rules of communication during emergency call?". There were formulated hypothesis: Hypotesis no. 1: "Does knowledge of Budweis inhabitants of point of interest reach 80 %?", hypothesis no. 2: "Does knowledge of Budweis inhabitants of point of interest depend on gender?", hypothesis no. 3: "Does knowledge of Budweis inhabitants of point of interest depend on age?", hypothesis no. 4: "Does knowledge of Budweis inhabitants of point of interest depend on education?", hypothesis no. 5: "Does knowledge of Budweis inhabitants of point of interest depend on activity in driving motor vehicle?", hypothesis no. 6: "Does knowledge of Budweis inhabitants of rules of communication during emergency call reach 80 %?", hypothesis no. 7: "Does knowledge of Budweis inhabitants of rules of communication during emergency call depend on gender?", hypothesis no. 8: "Does knowledge of Budweis inhabitants of rules of communication during emergency call depend on age?", hypothesis no. 9: "Does knowledge of Budweis inhabitants of rules of communication during emergency call depend on education?" and hypothesis no. 10: "Does knowledge of Budweis inhabitants of rules of communication during emergency call depend on activity in driving motor vehicle?", There was used survey, for answering researched questions and hypothesis, among Budweis inhabitants. The survey contained 4 parts. The first part contained 5 questions, which characterized respondents. Second part, called "PART A general questions about communication with operativ and informational centre", contained 6 questions and was used for unify the problem. The last part, made of two, called "PART B knowledge of point sof interest", contained 10 questions, and "PART C knowledge of rules of communication during emergency call", contained 8 questions, were the more important for the survey and were used for assessed results of the survey. The survey was carried out in elctronic form of questionnair in February and March in 2018 among Budweis inhabitants. The questionnaire was opened by 1881 respondents, but finnished and sent was only by 372 respondent. For the research was used 307 questionnairs. All the results were evaluated in software program Microsoft Excel. For improving results, was used statistical method 2 - test of good conformity. The results show that the knowledge of points of interest is insufficient, the limit of 80 % was not exceeded. But the results show that the knowledge of ruled of emergency call communication is sufficient, the limit of 80 % was exceeded. The whole survey did not prove dependence on gender, age, education or activity in driving motor vehicle. The results of bachelor thesis will be used for instruction of dispetchers of emergency number 112 and 150.

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