National Repository of Grey Literature 1 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 

Gene flow and its consequences for microevolution in Taraxacum (Asteraceae)
Marván, Richard ; Vančata, Václav (advisor) ; Brdička, Radim (referee) ; Lhota, Stanislav (referee)
Microsatellites(SIR) are very abundantand spread over the entire genome of all living organisms,so markers can be developedfor any genetic objective.Some SfRs exhibit very high levels of allelic variation.SIRs are generallyeasy to obtain and rapidlyassayed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), requiringonly minute amountsof biologicalmaterial.Their distinctattributes made them attractiveand the popular tool of choice in a numberof applicationswithinthe area of biology' The core of this Íheslsconslsts of five chaptersrepresentingsťudieswhere we investigated autosomal or Y_linked SIRs Íocarry out our tasks. our objectives Were (i) to investigateallele frequencies for a set of autosomal SIRS, to estimatestandard population and forensic genetic parameters,and to perŤorman inter_populationcomparisonof allele frequencydata;(ii)to design a novel PCR-based Y chromosomeSIR multiplexassay for the analysisof highlydiverseloci, and to evaluateťhissysťemfor forensicand populationgenetic purposes;and (iii)to carryout the firststudy in a Pan paniscusgroup wherea combinationof behaviouraldata on male dominancerank and matingsuccess withgeneticdataonpaternityallowsthetestingof thepatternof relationshipsbetween thesevariables,and to evaluatepossib/econsequencesof the establishedgenetic relationshipsfor...

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