National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Textile SIW Rectangular Ring-slot Antennas for Off-body Communication
Vašina, Petr
In this paper, a textile SIW rectangular ring-slot antenna for the ISM frequency band 5.8 GHz is proposed. The antenna radiates a linearly polarized wave with the maximum radiation in the perpendicular direction to the antenna plane. The antenna is fabricated on the soft-shell fabric in the two versions. In the first version, the conductive layers were fabricated by a self-adhesive copper foil. In the second version, the conductive layers were fabricated by the screen printing on a foil ironed on the soft-shell fabric. Experimental results prove that the proposed antenna fabricated by copper foil achieves the impedance bandwidth of 3.1 % for the reflection coefficient less than -10 dB and the gain of 6.91 dBi. While screen printing antenna achieves the impedance bandwidth of 2.93 % for the reflection coefficient less than -10 dB and the gain of 7 dBi, respectively.
Wearable Antennas Operating in the ISM Band
Zapletal, Ondřej ; Hebelka,, Vladimír (referee) ; Vašina, Petr (advisor)
Presented thesis is oriented on wearable antennas. The main aim of this thesis is to introduce the basic properties, measurement of textile’s electric properties and several manufacturing methods. The antenna design for the ISM 5.8 GHz bandwidth is also included and further observed by numerical model in CST Microwave Studio. The impact of flexibility and the influence of human tissue are evaluated in the case of designed equipment. According to the optimized design was made several samples by various technologies and samples were measured. Achieved results are further compared to equivalent results listed in actual available references.
Wearable antenna operating in proximity of human body
Jakubíček, Marek ; Pokorný,, Michal (referee) ; Vašina, Petr (advisor)
This thesis describes the possibilities of wearable antennas and the basic properties description. Numeric model for ISM 2,4 GHz band is created by CST Microwave Studio®. The thesis also deals with the human body proximity effect by two models of human tissue. The effect of flexibility to antenna parameters is evaluated. Several samples of the antenna has been created and measured. Obtained results has been compared with numeric model and with the literature.
Wearable antenna array for backscatter communication
Benites Ayala, Jhony Cristian ; Pítra, Kamil (referee) ; Raida, Zbyněk (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na návrh a praktickou realizaci nové nositelné a do textílie integrované twin-grid anténní řady pro potencionální komunikaci zpětným rozptylem v pásmu ISM na frekvenci 5,8 GHz. Práce se zabývá konceptem návrhu, principy a optimalizací navržené anténní řady určené k integraci do tkanin. Za účelem ověření správnosti výsledků jsou prezentovány simulace numerického modelu anténní řady vytvořené v CST Microwave Studio. Následně byly realizované dva prototypy antény pomocí 3D pleteniny SINTEX. První prototyp byl vytvořen pomocí PCB technologie ze samolepící měděné fólie. Druhý prototyp byl implementován pomocí technologie sítotisku za použití stříbro-polymerové pasty. Na závěr jsou s pomocí agarového fantomu experimentálně změřeny vlastnosti vyrobených prototypů anténních řad s následným zhodnocením výsledků tohoto měření a jejich porovnáním s výsledky simulace.
Wearable antenna array for backscatter communication
Benites Ayala, Jhony Cristian ; Pítra, Kamil (referee) ; Raida, Zbyněk (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na návrh a praktickou realizaci nové nositelné a do textílie integrované twin-grid anténní řady pro potencionální komunikaci zpětným rozptylem v pásmu ISM na frekvenci 5,8 GHz. Práce se zabývá konceptem návrhu, principy a optimalizací navržené anténní řady určené k integraci do tkanin. Za účelem ověření správnosti výsledků jsou prezentovány simulace numerického modelu anténní řady vytvořené v CST Microwave Studio. Následně byly realizované dva prototypy antény pomocí 3D pleteniny SINTEX. První prototyp byl vytvořen pomocí PCB technologie ze samolepící měděné fólie. Druhý prototyp byl implementován pomocí technologie sítotisku za použití stříbro-polymerové pasty. Na závěr jsou s pomocí agarového fantomu experimentálně změřeny vlastnosti vyrobených prototypů anténních řad s následným zhodnocením výsledků tohoto měření a jejich porovnáním s výsledky simulace.
Wearable Circularly Polarized Rectangular Ring-Slot Antenna With Chamfered Corners
Vašina, Petr
This paper deals with a circularly polarized rectangular ring-slot antenna with chamfered corners designed for 5.8 GHz ISM frequency band for off-body communications. The antenna, originally designed for conventional microwave substrate, has been redesigned for a soft-shell textile material to create its wearable version. For its manufacturing, the screen printing technology has been exploited. Experimental results prove that the wearable version of the antenna located on a muscle equivalent phantom achieves the impedance bandwidth more than 6.3 % for the reflection coefficient less than -10 dB, the axial ratio (AR) bandwidth 1.7 % for the AR less than 3 dB and the RHCP gain more than 6.0 dBi.
Textile-Integrated Rf Energy Harvester
Kokolia, Martin
In the paper, we present a dual-band wearable rectenna operating in 900 MHz GSM band and 2.45 GHz ISM band. The rectenna was designed as a multilayer structure to reduce size while having a large enough aperture with a reasonable gain. The antenna was connected to the rectifier by a current probe via a textile substrate. The rectifier was conceived as a voltage doubler to maximize voltage on a load even with a very low received power. The manufactured antenna showed the gain 6.3 dBi at 900 MHz and 2.8 dBi at 2.45 GHz. The rectifier operated from -20 dBm and was measured up to -2 dBm with 19% efficiency for the GSM band and 17% efficiency for the ISM band.
Textile SIW Rectangular Ring-slot Antennas for Off-body Communication
Vašina, Petr
In this paper, a textile SIW rectangular ring-slot antenna for the ISM frequency band 5.8 GHz is proposed. The antenna radiates a linearly polarized wave with the maximum radiation in the perpendicular direction to the antenna plane. The antenna is fabricated on the soft-shell fabric in the two versions. In the first version, the conductive layers were fabricated by a self-adhesive copper foil. In the second version, the conductive layers were fabricated by the screen printing on a foil ironed on the soft-shell fabric. Experimental results prove that the proposed antenna fabricated by copper foil achieves the impedance bandwidth of 3.1 % for the reflection coefficient less than -10 dB and the gain of 6.91 dBi. While screen printing antenna achieves the impedance bandwidth of 2.93 % for the reflection coefficient less than -10 dB and the gain of 7 dBi, respectively.
Wearable Antennas Operating in the ISM Band
Zapletal, Ondřej ; Hebelka,, Vladimír (referee) ; Vašina, Petr (advisor)
Presented thesis is oriented on wearable antennas. The main aim of this thesis is to introduce the basic properties, measurement of textile’s electric properties and several manufacturing methods. The antenna design for the ISM 5.8 GHz bandwidth is also included and further observed by numerical model in CST Microwave Studio. The impact of flexibility and the influence of human tissue are evaluated in the case of designed equipment. According to the optimized design was made several samples by various technologies and samples were measured. Achieved results are further compared to equivalent results listed in actual available references.
Wearable antenna operating in proximity of human body
Jakubíček, Marek ; Pokorný,, Michal (referee) ; Vašina, Petr (advisor)
This thesis describes the possibilities of wearable antennas and the basic properties description. Numeric model for ISM 2,4 GHz band is created by CST Microwave Studio®. The thesis also deals with the human body proximity effect by two models of human tissue. The effect of flexibility to antenna parameters is evaluated. Several samples of the antenna has been created and measured. Obtained results has been compared with numeric model and with the literature.

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