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Centrální nákupní agentura pro veřejný sektor jako možný krok k efektivnějšímu zadávání veřejných zakázek v České republice
Hubáčková, Vendula
This bachelor thesis deals with public contracts from point of view of central purchasing system for the public sector. The existence of central contracting authorities abroad is going to be examined after the presentation of current state of public procurement in the Czech Republic. After the comparison of particular systems of public procurement a model of the Central agency for the public sector in the Czech Republic is going to be chosen. The practical part is focused on the situation after founding the Central agency for the public sector, on a principle of efficiency, transparency, on possible savings after the implementation of this agency and on the content of its activities. In the end of this thesis opinions of parliamentary political parties on establishing the Central agency for the public sector in the Czech Republic are presented.
Optimalizace procesu zpracování a podání nabídky na zakázku financovanou z veřejného sektoru ve firmě Stavospol SK
Fabiánková, Milena
The Bachelor work deals with problems of public orders from contracting au-thority's point of view. It also deals with an offer processing and submitting concerning an order financed by a public sector from a supplier's side, it means a concrete firm in Slovakia. The theoretical part explains some basic terms, familiarises with a SSC company representing a state sector and describes a process of public orders. The practical part deals with processional analysis of the offer of a concrete order suggested by a commercial section of a firm Stavospol SK. In conclusion, process of optimizing of all other offers of public orders is suggested to a commercial section.
Faktory ovlivňující vysoutěženou cenu veřejných zakázek
Pospíšil, Pavel
Pospíšil, P. The factors affects tendered price of procurements. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2016. In this thesis are sought the factors, that affects tendered price of procurements. It describes the basic issues and the allocation of public contracts. The main objective of this thesis is the final recommendations leading to financial savings based on identified factors that affect the cost of procurements.
Využití e-aukcí z pohledu veřejného zadavatele
Šustrová, Romana
ŠUSTROVÁ, R. Use of e-auctions from the perspective of the public contracting authority. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2015. This bachelor's thesis deals with the use of electronic auction as a method for selection of the best offer from the perspective of the public contracting authority. The main object of this thesis is based on the fact define positives and negatives of the e-auction and formulate suggestions for the public contracting authority. In the first part of this thesis are explained key terms about e-auction, particularly in relation to public contract. In the next part is an analysis of e-auction realized of the town Tišnov. The other part deals with towns which do not use the e-auction. Following the established facts the SWOT analysis is drew up. Outputs from the analysis are supplement by comments and recommendations
Zadávání veřejných zakázek v dynamickém nákupním systému
Bažantová, Michaela
Bažantová, M., Public procurement in dynamic purchasing system. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2015. Thesis is concerned with work with dynamic purchasing system. There are described terms of public investment and electronic procurement. Comparison of two time period will determine the financial savings on the part of contracting authority. Thesis should point out positives of using dynamic purchasing system and possible adjustment of national law by the European directive.
Nákladovost a rizika účasti ve veřejných zakázkách pro dodavatele
Tisovský, Ondřej
TISOVSKÝ, O. Expenses and risks of participation in public procurement for suppliers This bachelor thesis is interested in the expenses and risks of participation in public procurements for suppliers. I will introduce basic theoretical terms of public procurement law and then focus on specific issues of expenses and risks in public procurement for suppliers. The following section looks at the research undertaken on the most common expenses and expected risks within the field of public procurement. I will be discussing detailed analysis of these areas. In the final sections I will consider various possibilities to minimize the expenses and risks of public procurement and also formulate recommendations to improve the current situation within the field.
Rámcové smlouvy a kartelové dohody
Krajčiová, Dominika
Krajčiová, D. Framework Agreement and the cartel. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Men-delova univerzita v Brně, 2015. Bachelor thesis is focused on the real situation changes in the competitive environment of public procurements. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts relating to public contracts, framework contracts and agreements. Eigen work is than devoted to process subcontractor's questions and suggestions, which should lead to more effective protection of competition. The work deals with the public procurement law, and whether this legislation can lead to real change in the situation in the competitive environment of public procurements. Especially in the terms of contracts obtained in the framework agreement.
Issues regarding selected conditions for participant exclusion in public procurement proceedings
Hourová, Aneta ; Patěk, Daniel (referee)
1 Abstract Issues regarding selected conditions for participant exclusion in public procurement proceedings This dissertation deals with issues surrounding specification of conditions for participant exclusion in public procurement proceedings with special focus on the condition contained in section 48(5)(d) of Act No. 134/2016 Coll., on public procurement procedure ("PPP"). The issue presented by the condition for exclusion in section 48(5)(d) PPP, which states that the contracting authority may exclude a participant from the procedure on grounds of unsuitability, relates to how this is achieved in practice according to the rules and principles of the PPP and the regulation of the quality of competition (unfair competition). This dissertation draws attention to the limitations of section 48(5)(d) PPP and its application, and critically analyses and evaluates its subject. According to the current jurisprudence of the Office, the exclusion of a participant can often be unsuccessful due to a confusing interpretation of the rules of its application. The Office for the protection of competition has stated that for a successful exclusion of a participant under section 48(5)(d) PPP, the contracting authority must satisfy an evidential burden and prove that a misconduct by a reliable supplier has occurred. This...
analysis of inventory of construction work, materials and services
Mikulík, Michal ; Výskala, Miloslav (referee) ; Aigel, Petr (advisor)
Thesis is focused on the issue of compiling an inventory of works, supplies and services of the construction, which is part of the tender documentation for public contracts. The work deals with the issue of prices, budgets and the tender documentation itself. It also lists the most common errors in compiling a list of works, supplies and services in accordance to Decree No. 169/2016 Coll. Individual errors are written and subsequently analyzed according to selected parameters. Based on this analysis, a methodology for checking inventories of works, supplies and services is compiled.

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